What did you do in Boundless today?

Hahahaha. Unfortunately I can’t get any iron anymore. The price skyrocketed so I’m using up my reserves hoping the price comes back down a bit.


My guess would be Host.


I remember giggling over those encounters :stuck_out_tongue:


Those pictures are :fire: @LeoSharpless !

Thanks for the heads up on that AI. It generated this inspirational pic for me. I will probably fail miserably, but I think something similar would look good in a Boundless forest:



Hahahah. As it turns out, I still got it.
@HOST gave me a bunch of metal blocks.
So the building continues. :raised_hands: thanks you sir.

And to stay on topic.
Last night I went on the first hunt @NickkThatsGood ’s run in years on his new hunt planet. And it was pretty awesome to say the least. I think we’re doing another tonight and it’s Friday so it should be extra fun. :ok_hand::beers::v:


your welcome @georgegroeg :fist_right: :fist_left:

I am working on my new forge on Tana, it takes a long while still, but I have lots of ideas with this tower.


oooooooommmmmmmggggggggg Well, you are living up to the name.

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nice… glad he’s back

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Last 2 days I have been mining for all kinds of metals.

Then I have been given a task to clear out a big hunk of land so I am happy :grinning:

Then I did some mining for more metals after work…

Then tomorrow I will work on the big hunk of land again :grin:

Fun fun all the days long. :heartbeat::rose:


What did i do? Saying goodbye to some friends that do not plan of returning after years of playing. I thank them for donating their coins and materials to me :heart:
I wish them all the best in their future of gaming.


I haven’t really been doing much IN Boundless as much as OUT of it.

When I first started playing I was messing with the Boundlexx API and some other things in an effort to make something like Boundless Info and the like. I pretty much stopped messing with it, and well I just procrastinate at times. My New Years resolution this year was to not procrastinate and follow through on projects and well in life. So… I picked the site back up and dove in.

At first it was more just me making something locally and for myself so I could track colors and other things since I had Google Docs and spreadsheets all over the place, but now I have really made it into something a bit more.

With my recent return I have found starting over to be very challenging as I have so much in reclaim I am unsure how to really make something to hold everythign again, but I’ll get there.

I’ll share more on the site once I get some more testing in.


good luck :smiley: crossing fingers :smiley: just dont rush :smiley:


Rice, Rice Baby!

Night Rice:


Instead of going on my usual hunt, I spent that time conversing with 2 wonderful ladies, telling jokes, sharing stories, and laughing. It was a lot of fun.


Oh that’s amazing :star_struck:

I would LOVE to see something that could tell me where a particular color of gleam/rock/flower was in a shop stand or was wanted in a request basket… is that something you’re playing with?

I love that you’re back and even if it’s “out of game” projects. lol

Yesterday I saw you in game and got bonked lol
Also to stay on topic…
I did gleambow with Mrs Star, and a few others… got almost 500 oort :smiley:
Did some crating with Benxino
Plotted a cool park area for future plans on Sorissi
Mined sapphires and got some rocks in colors that were needed.

Today… Mined. Chiseled, Chatted with friends and now I’'m about to stream some Boundless. :smiley:



Sadly no, from what everyone has gathered colors are shared in the shopstand data and neither are forged tools. I know if they were @Mayumichi would have done that with the Boundless Trade Tracker.

I think as far as I can tell from the shopping API there is nothing to denote colors or forge traits. I am sure I read this before and someone will back me up here.

That said… I am slowly rebuilding a “base” of sorts… hopefully get to where I can organize stuff soon. I have no idea where everythng is and I have beacons open on 3 different toons. Bleh…


Since I can’t edit … and didn’t add the word colors AREN’T shared in the shopstand data…

Just to clarify it isn’t someone in the shopstand data :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sigh … you get it…


as it would be awesome to see colors at shopstands i remember we were asking a long time for that, even if you can request specific color, you can sell different colors at different shopstands, the colors at shopstands arent shown for API
i remember Mayumi tried to explain it to us once why BUTT cant show colors, i think there is also problem with some kind of metal items that they are just shown as metal, not divided by copper xxx, silver xxx etc :slight_smile:

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