What did you do in Boundless today?

Thank you <3

I’ve returned to a really old unfinished project.
This cathedral with a tree growing in it.

Hopefully I’ll actually finish it. :grimacing:


Gorgeous tree!
I have a wee tree that needs some attention.
Thank you for the inspiration to tackle that :slight_smile:

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Thanks :blush: it’s still a work in progress. Still need to finish the top. And figure out what I’m doing with the cathedral roof and need to make a bunch of trees around. So I’ll probably get bored and move on again. Lol.

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I can relate. Haven’t been able to boot a single game the entire week because of work overload. Pure pleasure.

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Had me dreams dashed…lol Look at the right side, how pretty that roof line is…then the left side…all…chaotic ;)))))


And chaos has been beat back with a hammer and a chisel…! (ignore the little bit of chaos I’m fiiiixxxin’ it I swear.


Tried my hand at doing a geode

So more of “the last couple days” than today :rofl:

I’m still trying to figure out how to make the best use of this space. The build has a theme in general I suppose but I’m just not sure whether I want more … ahh … integration with the underground part of the build, or just a large open space surrounding this big fat tree holding up the center of the place.

I still have some work to do with the base of that tree yet. Then I think for now I’m just going to leave it open below and finish the upper/outer wall of the place.


Today I’m making cliffs with dark orange igneous rocks, stark orange grass, blink and-

Wait… dang, my bad, it’s not Boundless.


Hullo! I haven’t posted in this thread in while!

Today(Or mostly the last week) I decided to start my new official hub for my Sov Olympus :slight_smile:

Decided I didn’t want to build on top of my Workshop where my cute lil pink hub is(didn’t move far I took the far away photo from my pink hub aha)

it’s a just a little hub :wink: Mostly will House all of my portals and I don’t plan to have many, just set them up in a cute manner, wanted to make sure I had the space! way more chiseling, few archways and maybe another lil level, and it should be done :slight_smile: Plus! some gleam :wink:

Have a good day/night!


I’ll probably make another post on the TRONK thread this spawned tomorrow :sleeping:


OMG YESH Finally after 3-4 years of it sitting there your gonna finish it :heart: :heart:

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This has the Ayer of something special!

I visited @Ovis’s famous new home on Refgar where he recently drained the swamp.

Felt good to sneak around and mess with Oorty!

I also confirmed that an ovis elevator worked over multiple levels to get to the top with the ‘portal’ in the same spot on each level.


Working on that big tree energy.


My man :fist_right::fist_left:


enjoy those 10 boundless bucks my feet gave you … it was hard, hard, work :smirk:


Sike! You just fell victim to the easiest footfall trap ever! And all it took was to make videos for the past 3-4 years for someone to visit my base and give me those sweet 20 coins :smiling_imp:


And it’s also not dark orange :stuck_out_tongue: more like night orange :face_with_monocle:

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