What did you do in Boundless today?

:anguished: passive income


You got me there. :sweat_smile:
Didn’t take the time to make the research in-game to verify which color matched.
My eyes aren’t good no more, spent too much time looking at the sun.


Floor pattern for my new pagoda…


Today, I saw that the Oort Gods are still watching. :pleading_face:


Did you make that in game I want a e star window D:

I wish that was available in Boundless. Love that pattern. I’ve been using it a lot.
You know how I’ve been saying A LOT how I wish Wonderstruck had given us tools to import our own concepts into the game?
Got tired, started making my own stuff on 3DsMax to put it in the Unreal Engine.


Kill myself, twice, testing drops in the compact storage solution.

Technically, it can use slides instead of drops … but whilst that’s cool (it would be like a squared helter-skelter slide) then it’s not fast, and would get old, very fast.

The point is that when you arrive back at home base you can get to your storage, fast.

So, take Ovis’ square hole in his vids, each side would need:

Desc Levels Needed Sections Per Level Min. Drops Per Side
Most Compact 8 4 2
More Sleek 8 4 2
More Storage 16 2 4

Anyway … it’s all doable, I just don’t actually need it because I don’t store as much as you hoarders. :wink:

Basically, if you already have a 16 story high plot, you’re quids in for compact storage, but if not, you might wanna be more conservative or build further up.


Finished my gas station/jiffy lube, though is anything ever truley ‘finished’???


oH, ■■■■.


Regen bomb, meet unplotted work.




Terraforming or placed blocks? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

A big ol’ chonk of TRONK :anger:

It’s all right though, it was mostly just some flooring and a bit of wall. Super frustrating at the time :rofl:

This sort of thing usually happens while I’m excavating, and then it’s just a laugh. I had bombs on my wheel though and I was building the inside of my base. KABLOOEY the worst part was losing the blocks. As I was busy adding “reinforcements” at the time :stuck_out_tongue:



I never build with bombs in my pocket haha my first ever store I built - just placed the last block and put my controller down - next min as you said kabloweeee blew half my shop to the heavens lol.

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Fell off my roof and went to toss a healing bomb down ended up tossing a rift bomb blowing up days of work lol


I’m Surprised I have bombs in my pocket for years now haven’t blown any of my stuff up except powermans place that don’t count I didn’t know I had perms I riddled his place with holes xD


It’s been a couple of years since I blew the heck out of my own build.

I was excavating and building yesterday, restoring some plots to change the shape of things. Very carefully.

Then later in the day I was building in the TRONK and forgot I had them on my wheel. One absent minded slip of the scroll wheel later, kablooey it is!

I did a lot, though.


Ran around buying up mats to make higher end building materials.
Found a few SOVs with gorgeous colors. Knocked 3 full inventories of blocks out getting gems, rock and anything else I could reach.
My work area is packed to the gills.
SO many ideas from wandering and checking out other peoples builds.

OH … also took a portion of funds I won during a Host stream and increased it by almost half again.

More shopping tomorrow :stuck_out_tongue:



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I had a new build almost done and realized that some shaft placement was going to make things impractical. So took it down and started over again. :man_shrugging:


Finally getting together an actual full storage area for myself in Aquatopia [ Beckon 1048N, 810E, 65 Alt] that looks nice and isn’t just a row of storage.


I hate when that happens :flushed: