What did you do in Boundless today?

I needed to think now very sharply about which conversation you’re talking. There was one indeed! You’re right. But you’re literally always running off before I can answer. I’m on ps4. I’m one of the fastest writer with controller probably but it still takes it time. So yeah it’s a shame sometimes that I’m only a millisecond too slow and you’re already all gone. Meh. I gave up last time to finish per pm. But that’s also why i couldn’t remember at all having a convo with you :woman_shrugging:


Honestly I thought already about how wastey it is to spend money into planets while I could use same money to get ever lasting expansion packs for sims 4 instead…

Anyways! I was today resource gathering and selling and was able to get a decent amount of coins out of it that I used to buy oort shards :slight_smile: my portals are now all well filled!

Big thank You again towards @Balkinus :slight_smile: it’s not unnoticed :wink:

I still want to keep working for it so I don’t need to touch the stash. It shall be used for bad times.

A player today called me by my realname. I didn’t even know that one of his family knew my name and would even remember my real name. Sounds odd but guys it’s so rare someone remembers my name once they know it. So was a special moment.


Why though? The thing I have never understood is…and not just in Boundless but any game, so what if someone else buys stuff with real money? It doesn’t have to affect you…or me…if someone runs buy on some glittery mount or whatever. I play my game, not theirs. What they do can’t really affect me if I don’t want it to. I might like a glittery mount but if my goal is not to spend money (it’s not, but if) then I feel I can enjoy myself within my limits. A company has to make money or we all lose.
What did i do in Boundless today? Made a mess, that’s what I did :wink:


I built stuff. It was awesome :+1:


Among other things, I finally finished this today:


It takes 246329 base metal bars to fill that chest


I’ma put it right over by this one:




Spent loads of time yesterday farming chests over chests of sand and silty soil to craft (black) glass panes for my underground storage roofing. Crossing my fingers that it’s enough.
Beside that I tried figuring out how to add more water to the build but I might get rid of some parts because it’s causing too much clutter and complicating walking paths as it is now - something you don’t want to have when searching your storage. (no screenshots this time because of that)


Finally got round to putting together new Trung hub…still a bit of tinkering with colours, lights and such, but mostly there.
Includes new portal to the new and rather lovely Dragon’s Lair World Hub



Not much ca wee bit of chiseling. :wink:


Day 8 on working on making a BIG bounce house :joy: this may take longer then I thought to just get the plots hahaha it already has 2,000 plots and still counting.


waited for t7 to spawn again :earth_asia: :roughrift:


Nothing much. Tiny bit of building. Talked/helped a newish player. That’s really it :sweat_smile:


Logged only briefly to fill the portals with oorts. - noted that the colors have changed on Miau XI on its own and the resources values, still a strange thing that has recently happened in Boundless.


Nada today. Got called for other location. No internet and view over store from back room😑


I continued working on the underground storage.

For an unknown reason a smartstack of (black) plain glass blocks vanished from my inventory when I was switching tools but I got some blocks gifted to compensate that. (still super annoying… let’s hope that won’t happen again)
Luckily I didn’t need many of those since the roofing needs panes and there are still plenty of those crafting in my refineries. Nonetheless I spent around an hour running around the storage area with a magnet tool to make sure I didn’t drop them by accident and searching hundreds of chests (which were mostly empty 'cause the build is still in progress).


I was doing heart trading during he recent event and ‘lost’ a stack of the flowes. Finally found them the other day in a compactor machine. Still dunno how I did that :wink:


Yeah, I was thinking about it being a sync issue as well. That’s why I searched all the chests in that area. :slight_smile: If I’m lucky it will just reappear at some point when I don’t even expect it so I can put it into my storage for future projects.


YaY LeVeL 50~~!!!1!!1!!!


Looks like if I had walked by another machine I’d have missed this lol.

Those aren’t all levels, ofc. I’m still getting feats on Nightstar that I already have on some of my other alts, as well as daily/weekly and whatnot.

Still cool to see :crazy_face:


A productive morning, moved almost one row of my storage a few blocks to the left :sweat_smile:

The aisles aren’t wide enough so I’m widening them


Found out that there are players who buy my T6 hammers and offer them for sale in their shops at a much higher price… - well… if they say so, I’m just amazed… because these are also players, who always say in the forum in no uncertain terms that forging is super easy and you shouldn’t always complain in the forum.


Added many? details to my hub today just as farming, producing lanterns to replace the existing lighting. If I would add a picture nobody would probably notice a difference and yet it’s there! Except for the center part that still lays in the shadows… you get the feeling to stand in the middle of a sunset! Totally in love with the orange vibe! Still lots of love needed in the Hub and Market. Something about the center roof still seems off to me so that’s something I’m gonna look at in the following days. Such a horrifying work…-glass roofs. At least I added now a sun on the ceiling. … many suns… how much is too much? :smile: