What happens when I jump out of the sanctuary?

Just curious before I jump


You escape.


You cant jump out, first when you jump out of sanctum, there is one Mantle cube, you jump off of it and there is a Mantle platform which you cant jump from. There’s a wall :smiley:

Thanks, but do you know if I can make it back

Honestly dont know, never been to tue beyond before

I sure do, you need to relog :smiley: cuz you cant tp from sanctum to sanctum, but once u relog u spawn in the sanctum where you usually do =)

The Illuminoorti will not allow it. Turn back.


I tried this in EA and documented my results here:

You should try it now and let us know if anything ia different :slight_smile: as @SnSmNtNs said you can just relog afterwards

Looks like the sanctuary is on a block


Not on a turtles back eh? There is an opportunity missed. The devs could have had some fun with this instead of making a cube for the Sanctum to rest on.

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