What if the Tint Kit allowed you to change sign color?

“Getting rid” meaning the loss of your beacon going out is not a severe an issue as it was so if I forget because I dont really play much anyway Im only losing the build itself and If Im not playing much anyway why would I care?

As @FireAngelDth said, YOU might not care.
Others might still have a LOT invested in their builds. I count among these players, as I would be soul-crushed if I lost my 6000-plot-build. Do you see how your statement might be very subjective? :stuck_out_tongue:


correct sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad.
but do you think that will stop at some point?
because in reality solving a problem is not fixing a problem :slight_smile:

Now your arguing semantics Im talking about the general casual populace that might have money for GC but not the time to check a beacon regularly that revenue is gone. Im not talking bout THE HARDCORE bunch thats left and posts here. Yes johnny the world is bigger then just you.

Well even in the more casual part of the playerbase, I’m sure people still tend to care about their builds.
The whole “yes Johnny the world is bigger than just you” applies to you too. :wink:


Hows that when im thinking out of the box and youre all “But Mee me me and muh build”? lol

relax boys I know we all struggle and are irritated by the lockdown due to corona lets just relax alright and keep on topic xD

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You’re the one going “why should I care”, “I don’t care”, and such. But yeah, sure.

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You are talking about the text color, correct?
I wonder if the sign blocks/meshes have any room left to store hex color codes?
Also, would the sign be locked to the color that it is + the hex color that is purchased?
Or would people be buying one sign that could be any color + text of any color?

I know when I used color text on a sign in a community build, other members can freely change the color.

if that beacon/plot is owned by a GC person yes then anyone can change it

Yes, I have GC.

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I know plenty that can fuel beacons without worry because they are on almost daily but still choose to get gc because it’s less hassle and supports the game

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Yeah, I’ll admit, I don’t know how the whole sign-color-tint-kit could work, and I would suspect the sign text system would need a good re-design for that to work.
Would also be a good time to add the Oort alphabet formatting feature alongside the Bold/Italic options, hey? :smiley:
The signs could then use a color picker to make the use of colors easier, too.

I would love to see the Oort alphabet added + unicode & symbols

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AGAIN Im not talking about the everyday players Im talking players who are casual players that believe it or not are a majority of gamers.

We all have a different definition of casual :sweat_smile:. I Consider myself a casual in this game now. I hop on every few days and only for about 30min usually now. But overall I’m a “hardcore gamer” as i play games every day just not the same ones every day. So in the grand scheme of each game I’m casual. Lol. Have roughly 20 games that I still have yet to finish because I rotate between them all.

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Well I would care a heck of a lot, I’m a very slow builder and when I do build something it’s always huge and something very time consuming with loads of chiseling stuffs, if I lost that I would pull my hair out!

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So do I but lets be real youre hardly casual lol. You know what i mean cmon.

I know but you WILL NEVER have to worry about a beacon plz lol…ppl you all know what Im talking about. The person who works has a family plays a few hours on the weekend those folks.

Geez, we got iiiiit!
It’s just that your initial statement was absolutely NOT clear. Now can we move on?

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