I leveled up and received some qubits (30 or something) and the extra 10 land plots as usual from 50+ level. I have not seen what qubits are and am very confused.
They aren’t fully implemented yet
They will be used later for some form of an in game store. This usually generates a lot of controversy, but this has been in the pipeline for quite some time now. Since others will be seeing Qbits as they level up over the next few weeks or months before it is implemented, I think it’s important that we talk about it as a community though! Maybe @james and the some of the devs can give us some input, without us raising our pitchforks and torches!
This is why I avoided specifics , last time didn’t go so well
Great, what am I supposed to do with this fresh batch of pitchforks now?? —E
Break off the forks, melt them into building blocks. Turn leftover handles into torches… you can never have too many torches.
Expect a post breaking down what is planned and being prototyped this week. We’re keen to get community feedback and opinions. It pulls together quite a few things.
Pitchfork droprate may be tweaked later on, stockpile them all “just in case”…
What’s happend?
WTS <Diamond Reaping Pitchfork of Stabbification +5> 999,999c
Id like to know if you only get them prior to hitting lvl 50. Or if they are given out pre 50 as well… and if so will we be reimbursed for the ones we’ve missed. In saying that im sure we will considering they ard already working on giving back all items lost on the crafting ordeal.
You get them post-50 aswell
If I take 4 qbits can I turn them into a quadbit or something like that? :). I look forward to seeing the post on this…
No, but you can cube it.
that’s buying in volume
Wait… maybe a qubit is @Qu4zaR’s little brother?