What is being worked on for the next few updates?

Say that 5 times fast…

‘that 5 times fast’


Sorry, couldn’t help myself


I think @james was going to type “auto crafting for tables and machines” in here but changed his mind.


I did clock the pump fake…

This is loong overdue

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I wonder how many of us saw that and just sat waiting. And waiting. And. Waiting . And then like a slice of cake in night time fridge, just disappeared.

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Can we connect to the test servers now? I had tried a couple times and I always get the servers are being updated message. Figured there weren’t open at the moment.

The devs are having a secret party :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Quick someone open up a portal to the test servers from live. They cant keep the cake from us any longer! We want in on the secret party!

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Road map woyld be now than good to announce.
Cause of The fact that theres only hunter coming from the previous roadmap release.

You need to start communicating with your community more. (Devs). Everyone is just making assumptions and its hurting the game more and more.


He wrote an AHK macro for that to fake you lot! :joy:

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Nah, hard facts, this evening, Friday, we get a new testing, a bit more lighting changes, new storage, new blocks, warp wraith, other new creatures, rental planets, auto crafting, some interactive blocks so we can make some interactive content ourselves and many, many more things!

What ya mean people are making stuff up? Nah…


I think it was bucfanpaka who suggested that maybe the oort hammers could give chance of oort drops from mining other resources…
I hope that’s the case! An alternative method to collecting oort would be fantastic, especially when I keep missing the hunts :cry:


I do agree with this somewhat, I think it would be beneficial, but not sure I would go so far as to say need.

Mostly because, respectfully, I disagree with this statement.

I think that most people within this forum recognise what is speculation by the player base, and treat it as such, and it’s just a bit of fun!

I don’t think anyone assumes a particular thing is being introduced unless there is an explicit statement from a dev saying so.

I may be wrong about this, but that’s how I see it.

The speculation, teases, hints, deductions, etc, are all just a bit of fun until we get some solid facts from a dev!


I meant it hurts game generally not just for excisting players but new ones too.

For excisting players these "jokes"are obvious but new player sees this and starts waiting for something and not even getting it.

Maybe they’re not storage at all.

Maybe they’re climbable blocks.

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The picture of those blocks shows a storage configuration that you can’t create in the current game.

When @lucadeltodecso posted it the filename was something like “storageisntbigenough,.jpg”.

Together those form a pretty big hint.

The fancy blocks are just a bonus tease :smiling_imp:


Those were the distraction!

wasnt aware the filename was visible! might have to be careful what i name things… expletives etc.


Wow and I thought it was intentional! :rofl: