What is this Programming, Mother&*@%er link..?

Is that supposed to be there? Lol. It seems a bit… out of place.

From Release 201: Quality of Life and Bug Fixes!

I named link manifesto when i posted it. Blame forums. I leave the decision of removal to mods. Link is to manifesto about programming instead of doing dozen about-programming things. It’s a Pastiche on agile manifest topic, use not most child friendly words, but is spot on topic. I hadn’t had bad intentions, and think it’s relevant to what was discussed.

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Makes sense, I think it’s just the forums being weird with their links. I couldn’t figure out how to open the original topic. Not a big fan of censorship myself, but they seem to want the forums relatively kid friendly’ish.

They do, they want an age 7 + rating for the game is my understanding.