What is your biggest desire for the future of Boundless?

I’ll make and sell you some much larger than 5x5 : )
Edit: unless you want to keep anything you demolish, that is…


Just a few to add lol :rofl:

Also refined gems be turned into a block form.


I appreciate that. In this case I want to bomb the poo out of an area and sort out the debris at my leisure.

On occasion I like to smoke test a whole mega block :sunglasses: , but this is Meta mining solution.

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Yea, i do not understand this. Not only convenient for players, especially ones that RL prevents play of any kind for a time. They can return to their builds and stuff as they left them with exception of portals.

Revenue impact angle it really would make sense. I mean how many people leave <$10/month on renew “just in case” for 6+ months. Same with world fuel… why not allow for an auto option.


I already buy a year every Jan. Would make things so much better just setting an auto renewal so I don’t have to worry about it.


For those curious what you are referring to


At this point… Honestly… More open and Active communication…


Ha at this point I’d prefer less active and open communication from some


I think I’d have to put a blueprint with auto-build feature at the top of the list, having been very addicted by it in another game I play. Would allow those of us who aren’t great builders but want nice stuff to quickly build, then edit the results to our tastes (I’m imagining it like a beacon you feed mats into). Would give an economic niche to pure builders on selling, would allow for quick moves of builds, and also make repetitive parts of large builds easier.

Closely following would be a bunch of furniture - beds, bookshelves, couches, ect., stuff to fill out builds, make them more like homes.

One smaller thing that I think could be done more quickly and I consider very important - a way to toggle off people on your friends list being able to warp to you. I’ve encountered more than one issue with this now that caused me to cut short play sessions, and has made it so I’m very hesitant to accept new requests.


For the game to prosper! :grin:


yikes! Someone always got to make it weird :roll_eyes:

Just when you think you’re farming alone wayyy out on a isolated region poof! :open_mouth: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

  • please see social ques at the beginner hub persisting pies will be confiscated :unamused:

Make gums for every Boom you can Forge .

I want damage then i ll Take a damage gum
I want Cruz i ll Take crit gum
I want Dura then i ll Take a Dura gum …
And nothing ealse Pops Up after using this Special gum i took.

So there would n t be a waste of Material s and forging would be great for everyone .

Just a Suggestion


Backpack or portable storage of some kind.

Maybe a homing warp that only transports loot back to your beacon for long Exo, no-campfire farm/hunts?


Server maintenance maybe the game would be lag free and the loading time goes away when you run and the World isn’t loading.

Rework the forge. No rng just forge the stuff on it you need. It will be more waste of time and materials with new weapons and shields.

Improve the harvesting. Aoe seeding etc.
More XP

More XP for crafting and building as you need more XP to level up with the new update.

Rework crafting less materials needed for masscrafting. For some stuff you need to much materials and that’s hard when you just wanna build.

New enemies during hunts, titans, bossfights

More communication and support would be nice we want to be up to date cause waiting sucks and some time you run out of patience

  1. Smaller updates more frequently.

  2. Monthly Dev livestream where they discuss the upcoming roadmap of updates and highlight community events and content creators.


What @OnlyOneShinobi said but, generally, just update the f@#!ing game and tell us what’s coming.

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There are 4 things I wish for right now:

  1. An easier life for crafting stuff.
    Filling multiple machines is such a pain. Clicking the same button 30 times. Urghs.
    Just allow us to fill up the whole queue as much as possible with less clicks. (every craft kind (single/bulk/mass) with a “single” and “all” button)

  2. Ladders

  3. A simple mechanic feature like Minecraft’s pistons, wiring and levers. I don’t expect or wish for too much and it doesn’t need to enable us automation or clocks. I just want to be able to trigger stuff from different locations and/or hide passageways.

  4. Forging without being RNG. I love being able to forge in general but the way how the RNG works is super annoying and turns off many players from using that feature at all.


I’m intrigued because this idea as a thread pops up every now and then, and I’m just now realizing my answer now is very different than it was years ago.

The game has changed and evolved so much! I used to look forward to things like chiseled blocks, a wider array of colors, farming, etc. So many things that I have waited for have come. Its actually pretty cool to look back on.

As an early access player one thing that has always been in the back of my mind has been Titans. And I’ve never asked for them personally because I’ve always been waiting on things that I feel are more basic, like chiseled blocks. But now I am actually finding myself feeling like not just I, but the game, is ready for more end-game type content.

I know there are lot of other things other people may consider “basic” like furniture and I get that. No argument here. I’m just starting to feel like there is enough in this universe to justify more of an end-game.

Especially after this next update with shields and swords, I think I’m going to really, finally going to be itching to fight a big bad boss. Bring on the Titans.

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consistent updates