What is your favourite Anime?

700 is still too much for me lol.

I heard like the fighting scenes became lazier, and things became more static. The quality certainly looks like it remained high, so I wouldn’t be surprised if my source was incorrect now.

old: Eureka 7
new: Eureka 7:AO :smile:
But the reasons are different. Eureka 7 is good tale about true love, Eureka 7:AO is full of action.

P. S. I also liked Rozen Maiden, all 3 seasons

I never got around to watch AO, But I love Eureka 7 it’s one of my favorite animes of all time

AO isn’t worse than original, but it is different. AO will explain what happened next, but if you want to watch it (I recommend you), you need to prepare to meet the cold truth.

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Glad to hear it’s not a shitty remake or something^^ Goes on my need to watch list.

Currently watching ‘‘Charlotte’’ seriously, it is so crazy, i really think people should watch it, the anime seems like a mediocre one where nothing happens when you start so alot of people leave it, but hang in there, when episode 6 comes around things really start to become interesting, its a twist nobody can imagine. highly recommend it.


Glad to hear that, I was one of the ones who left after a few episodes because it seemed mediocre. I’ll give it another go.


I left partly because it wasn’t interesting enough and because they said the speed ability was teleportation^^ (might have been a translation error but I don’t think so)

By “it is so crazy”
Are we talking Excel Saga kind of crazy?
2nd half of Evangelion Kind of crazy?
Serial Experiments: Lain Kind of crazy?

Havent seen any of them, in general i dont watch old animes, so i cant compare :smile:


Yeah i would assume so too, im not really sure what to call it either tbh, its not really superspeed since he is flying, its not really flight cause that is already there, it happens in an instant… dunno, Blitz maybe? i think teleportation is pretty close.

I might take it up again then^^ What’s the real translation then?

This is from the anime wiki

‘‘Jōjirō is able to move at extremely high speeds. This movement is so rapid it appears to be teleportation; however, it is not to be confused with actual teleportation. Because he isn’t in full control of this ability, Jōjirō usually has trouble stopping at his planned destination and ends up running into things, resulting him to be sent to hospitals numerous times and damage to his surroundings. To combat this fault, he often wears protective garments underneath his uniform and regularly keeps his body in shape.’’

just because it is called transportation doesnt mean it is litteral transportation, many of them have vague names which can be intrepeted in multiple ways. (which is a point of the anime, they get a name and they have to figure out just what that power can really do)

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Tokyo Ghoul, SAO, Log Horizon, Akame ga Kill!, Attack on Titan, can’t remember the others i like?

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And with that statement you have invalidated all your anime opinions

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weak casual anime fan only watches new anime. I’m more of a noob to anime than you and even I’ve seen NGE. (tho like lets be fair NGE is like 5% cool fight scenes and 95% shinji is a crybaby with mommy issues [and the 5% cool fight scenes makes it worth it ok])
The first part was sarcasm btw.

with thousands upon thousands of anime its not too odd that i havent seen everything, if you say they are that good though i will take a look at them :smile:

For me Anime is entertainment, like gaming there are many genres and amazing Animes are hidden all around us, i have been watching it for around 7 years now and have watched so many different ones, but one thing that still baffles me is the grumpy old man attitude saying ‘‘bah only the old ones were good’’ which you seem to be implying, Lighten up Scrooge :wink:


He’s not Scrooge–I am. Haven’t seen ‘em, don’t intend to start seein’ em. Back in my day all we had for cartoons was a rabbit :rabbit: , a pig :pig: , a duck :duck:, and a coyote :coyote:–and we liked it that way!

Now get off my lawn!

(Hey, Wonderstuck! Notice the missing duck and coyote? Also missing: traffic cone. As Red Dwarf’s Cat said: “Hey! It’s not a good night unless you get a traffic cone!”)