What items do you think are in short supply

And if her basket is full, I have 2 baskets for adrenal glands, each with 290k, 135c as well :wink:



Plots, naturally. :wink:

Mine too, never have enough, that’s one item I won’t be selling.

True but had to laugh.

I think its developer backer only who can craft those

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RIFT! Do I hear a 1percent and or higher rift planet coming @james ? :stuck_out_tongue: perhaps after you and team sip some coffee and do a round of Jameson when you wake up. :laughing: much love :heart:.

My store sells feathers
And various other things
Unique:boutique on circ you can get there from the TNT MegaHub or ps bitulla shopping hub

That can be arranged. :smirk: