My Life is Boundless right now me on almost 24/7 boop
get a life - in Boundless
I don’t think It read as a dig at you, or anyone in particular. It read to me as a dig at the forums being a place people nitpicking the game spend more time in, and catfud is implying more people would be higher level if they spent that time on the forums in game doing things.
Which while true (i wish i could play the game on my phone like i can the forums… Or maybe i don’t because I’d probably loose my job…) I still don’t think any of us could catch the cat, their level is astounding
I have some alts at level 50/70 and on the PC account only one at level 70ish.
Never focused on leveling after the beginning, most XP are from mining i think.
In July foxxy will have been playing her original character for 3 years
In those 2 and a half years
Foxxybit it is level 2764
All my other alys range between 250 and 700
I don’t have my original character anymore. So the one I’ve been playing since February 2021 is level 189