What new update would you like to have?

Interactive items to make builds interesting even when owner on hiatus puzzles dungeons minigames


Your back! - welcome back :smile: you should visit sometime I opened a mall

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There are a couple that I wish were possible using current tools and the shapes they make, like being able to chisel out centers of blocks, basically the reverse of many currently possible shapes.

Reverse lattice for core holes. Having opposing iron bevel corners in one block, like the opposite of beveling opposing corners. Then the same gold bevels on slabs.


@james I believe what he was saying is this:
So you would get two sections of a curve and it would take a corner of a block off and put one of those two curves on it.

Excellent idea !

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That would be an extreme game changer, might have to restart the whole game :laughing:. I think it might be possible if there was a transition period where the physics of those blocks acted like their flat-sided counterparts for a while so the change is only aesthetic. But weā€™d have to be cool with it possibly looking and feeling off when we walk on them.

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Personally I would just like the already promised content to be completed at this point. After that Iā€™ll get back to dreaming.


In Creativerse, you just stumble across them. Some spawn on the surface in random spots but the better ones are hidden deep in caves or high in mountains. It really encouraged exploration and actually made it rewarding because, if you really wanted to, you could actually acquire a lot of raw materials for crafting in this way.

I think in Boundless, such exploration would be even MORE impressive given the procedural generation of the worlds and the fact brand new planets pop into existence regularly via exos. It would add a whole new dimension to exos other than rushing to gather umbris/blink/rift or petrol/etc. Youā€™d have folks excited to hop onto exos just to explore and find treasure.

One thing worth mentioning is that while Boundless has grapples and Creativerse doesnā€™t, Creativerse does have a simple ā€œgliderā€ you can optionally buy (with irl money via a ā€œproā€ upgrade) that allows you to glide through the air. This make exploration even more fun.


I think what Iā€™m trying to explain kind of outlines the current state of the game. Itā€™s like in between a regular Type of game and say Minecraft for example. A regular type of game, you play and complete and then probably donā€™t go back to it much, Minecraft you go on to build and play with friends here and there.

This is an MMO, you want player retention, you want there to be more to achieve than just reaching end game, you want that sense of accomplishment in reaching end game and then have something to continue chasing (rather than just Chasing oort to fill your portals to go to friends worlds to see/speak to them) Reward players for reaching end game, perhaps with a sigil or symbol of some sort. I feel like end game in boundless is basically you helping people reach end gameā€¦ you mine to make/sell gear to people reaching end gameā€¦ or you open a portal system to help lower level players get to places they might usually struggle reaching. As much as I LOVE helping other players, you want that something to achieve and aim for yourself other than just making my build better/bigger. If any of this makes any sense :joy::man_shrugging:t3:


Yes to all of this.
And Titans.


Some exos already have some unique structures that make you feel like you find some kind of secret!

Those places would be great to hide treasures.

And maybe In the future we could have treasures that Spawn mobs? And you canā€™t get the loot until you finish the battle!


This :ok_hand:

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Minichisels to make our own objects and furniture


Are there any major threads on ideas for new professions? I have some minor ideas in mind that could be combined with others. Starting with an idea for a new profession would really help direct new updates.

It would be awesome if we could repair stuff (mats scaled based on tool/weapon health). Along with that we should be able to name them since they could potentially last forever, adding another layer of ownership unique to individuals- similar to builds.

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Underwater animals and scuba baby!!

  1. Decorations. (some that dont take a blockā€¦with clipping. like banners on wall shouldnā€™t block a plant being placed in front)
  2. Placeable NPCS so i can make my build look alive. (maybe a merchant?)
    3 .Tameable creatures that randomly poop a resource.
  3. Boats or better swimming abilities.
  4. Chat window overhaulā€¦can i please get option to have it 100% opacity all the time and adjust its size and placement? I miss so many conversations. Along with the ability to click on someones name to reply to them!
  5. Tools to last a bit longer. 10k coin for a hammer you can burn in less than an hour seems not right. You should be able to earn 10k in coin before it breaks
  6. Rounding Chisel. Make tubes/ wheels / tunnels / pillars/ etc.
  7. Mining hat with light.

For simplicity lol.
So this is a 45 degree block that forms a 90degree angle.These would be the most common degree to use for corners. Just as you have the other chisel options in 1/8 and up.


Imagine you could make waves and much more realistic builds. Like I said , a complete game changer.

You play NMS? They poop resources! :rofl:


I think what youā€™re showing would actually be considered 90 degrees, since itā€™s 1/4 of a full circle. The degree of an arc equals the degree of the angle of the epicenter.

Though that is hand drawn so maybe you didnā€™t intend for that inside corner to be the epicenter of the imaginary circle.