What purpose do caves serve?

I will hop on and bring you a care package :slight_smile:


Well, I’m on Imoco currently.

Seriously, the sounds in this game are one of the best. Very soothing soft clean sounds. No startling/nagging annoying stuff.

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I don’t really want to get involved in these kinds of posts but why do you have to be so negative towards this game in every post?

Just chill, learn to enjoy the flaws and the beauties of game. If not, maybe you can find a more suitable game elsewhere? :man_shrugging:

Giving constructice criticism is always welcome I am sure, but the game is going through rough times and calling it sh!t over and over helps no one.


Because this is the way of the Noko :sunglasses:

When I played beta it was a different game and I always envisioned it to develope differtly. I mean, a lot of things aren’t even in thegame they said there’d be. Titans, armor etc etc. It seems in their failing to deliver their original promises, they just choked it full of content so that the playesr that keep playing it have stuff to do, but it got so bad it’s gotten icredibly grindy to the point the early game is quite honestly terrible. I’m always honest, I do enjoy the game in some ways but I enjoyed it way more the earlier back one goes. IMO, they completed went into the wrong direction with this game. At the very very beginning it seemed they were aiming for a Minecraft if the potential was used to the fullest but they seemed to be ‘‘scared’’ to be called a Minecraf clone so they decided to do things kinda weird. I still believe in this game but atm it feels like this game punishes you for being a noob, which is not really good. Or would you say otherwise?

Of course thank god for you guys, they really were in luck with the people here. Really good folk. No toxicity etc. But yes, I know, I get frustrated too easily but that’s because I’ve ben playing since a week ago and haven’t build a single thing except 4 machines and two furnaces in a grassland. See? Quite understandable I’d say. That’s why I get frustrated. I’m not “getting anywhere” is the feeling.

Also, I suffer from brainfog due to moderate dissociation so I’m quite forgetful. Meaning that when I have to go back and forth from one thing to the other, I get more easily confused by that than you guys (like, waaaay more) and I keep losing track of what I needed to do as my focus is absolute ■■■■ adding even more to the frustration.


Much better :+1: But not all of us see the game as a game that went in the wrong direction. Lots of things promised were left undelivered but then again, it has been through rough times and no updates for years. Some might even say the grindiness is what makes the game feel more rewarding - but I personally believe it is what brings the community together. So many kind people here giving out stuff for free out of their goodwill.

But there’s lots of us here that are willing to help you get started. Once you learn the basics, it’s not that bad. Granted, there’s lots to remember even just for a tiny sign module, but eventually you get used to it :+1:

But not to drag it on any further, many of us here are happy to help. Just reach out, we got you covered!


It may take awhile before we see any changes, but the new devs/owners seem eager to work on the NPE.

I’ve watched some new players stream and they expressed the same frustrations you are bringing up.
I think when an experienced player starts a new character to test out the NPE, it’s not the same thing that fresh new player experiences (or someone from EA). If I were to start a new character, I could have almost anything I need & a fully-functioning base built in an hour. I know what 3rd party tools to use, what steps to skip, where to go, where things are, what’s needed, how to make quick coin, etc. New players don’t have any of this knowledge.


If you still are new and live on grassland, why do you need refined buildmaterials for the first shelter?
Use wood and stones to build the first base, and grow from there.


I will bring you some forged hammers with slight failures. They are not good to sell but great to start the game with.
Also shows what you can do later in the game :slight_smile:


Let me introduce you to: Mining peacefully or building in your calm environment when… your tool suddenly breaks. That sound startles me you can’t imagine xD


It’s a jump scare lol :scream:


But, on the contrary, you are working on the Journal Achievements every time you break a tool! So, scary but beneficial!


Buying refineries is probably more worth it than gathering solo, if you use the knowledge tab in game you can see if anyone is selling something on the planet you are on. I tend to travel between Tana IV, gyosha ophin, and Eshero (or whatever planet ultima hub is on) using the knowledge tab to find things for buy and sell stands/baskets.

I also use that knowledge tab as a way to remind myself of how to build and make things, I write lists down in game on signs, or on a notepad document on my computer (I play on PC) to help keep track of amounts and item lists.

I might not have the level of brain fog you do, but I have plentiful of short term memory problems since I was 9years old and developed epilepsy. I don’t have the full blown seizures anymore (they only lasted about 3years) but my short term memory has never fully recovered.

Anyway, those are what I do to keep track and find out what I need to get in game. I hope it helps (i don’t know if I said anything you don’t already know about or do).


I’d give away the journal achievement to not have to get scared every single time xD


Ya that gets me every time to. I practically jump out of my chair every time and let out a little curse LOL


I’m glad I’m not the only one, gets me every time even when I’m expecting it.


5k Rift and 5k Umbris please. Kthxbye :joy:


I’m want what @RedY3 is asking for. But add blink and Oort as well. :man_shrugging::rofl::crossed_fingers::grimacing:


How dare I forget. YES PLEASE

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And for my next stunt, I will perform the vanishing trick!

