What purpose do caves serve?

5k Rift and 5k Umbris please. Kthxbye :joy:


I’m want what @RedY3 is asking for. But add blink and Oort as well. :man_shrugging::rofl::crossed_fingers::grimacing:


How dare I forget. YES PLEASE

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And for my next stunt, I will perform the vanishing trick!




I use signs to make things easier to remember/get at and not have to tab back and forth too much between game/forums, etc. There is a learning curve on all this stuff and it gets much better over time. Also, utilizing the economy really helps. Figure out a way to bring in coins and then buy the things that are frustrating to craft or gather. Trying to make everything can wear you out pretty quick, at least it did for me.


Do your skils erventualy all max out or do I have to be mindful about which skills I pick?

You can use up to 100 skill points. Maxing all skills at the same time is not possible.
I am saying same time because you can unlock skill pages. That means your character can have up to 5 different skillings. One for mining, another for hunting, maybe another for forging and so on.
You can then switch between those pages every 15 minutes and as often as you want while at your home base.
To fill those pages you have to earn more skill points. There is no lvl limit which allows you to collect as many as you need.


Fantasia is a great option for silver - FYI


Fantasia is a gold mine for silver… Less then an hr and you can get 2-3ss of silver. Thank you again for this awesome planet @PixelatedTwix it has made me a couple million coin within 2 months :blush:


T6 is it? That’s a bit high for me a think. I need skill protection and stuff which I don’t have. Only have lv1 acuastic for TNT hub atm

But thanks. I’ll keep it in mind.

Couple million?! LOL Grats!!! and You’re very welcome!


You can level up if you can go through the TNT network into the gleam hub they have and mine gleam. Then sell it off for 4-5c (I know its not a lot but it does add up). Once you level up put the skill points into the protection you need to access the higher tier planets (Fantasia) and mine the silver like I do. I’ve been selling silver at 20c without any issues. roughly 3ss is give or take 46-47k. Hope this tip helps you out @Nokowa . I’ve done this with my alt character and it didn’t take long to level him up and have skill points to have him mine in higher tier planets :slight_smile:

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I dont blame him/her… Its a grinding fest. Especially new solo player.

Tbh, I might drop some real money once I see them updating this game into a direction that I like. And btw, that direction is a direction where I’m not forced to spend real money.

Didn’t read all the reply’s if im honest :wink: but you can go to Terra nova on Lamblis. Beneath the hub and start mining at mantle there. There are a few caves behind my machine room but I believe the only way to get behind those walls is going to the bottom and behind the wall (of the floor above) go back up again.

It isn’t plotted so free to mine.

Not sure if Terra Nova is still hosting TNT and ULTIMA Lamblis.

(Bring some water source blocks :wink: to kill the lava lakes in the caves)

Hope this helps.

Wrong thread, damnit. Meant for this thread.

I’ll try that, thanks man

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You are welcome.
There should be a shaft on one side (no need for digging) but the other sides have caves behind them to if im not mistaken :wink:. Just hit a staircase away :wink: in the rock should be 1,5plot up.

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Hmm… I think in of any time of Boundless’ history… this is the worst time to quit (or at least in the next year when updates resume), Boundless has just been taken over by a new developer. Meaning, things are about to change lol. Now, if you said this a year ago, then fair enough.