What should we name the tower?

Kind of reminds me of Tenpenny Tower from Fallout 3, so I’m suggesting that :grin:

I just thought of Sisyphus because all the great builders are usually perfectionists so their builds are never truly finished.

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Is that what Sisyphus was supposed to represent? Uh. Thought he was an allegory for doing something pointless (because the boulder always comes back down).
Perfectionism is a better way to look at it, I suppose, and without sounding too full of myself, I do have that, because I’m always editing stuff, never happy with what I do.

Looking at the box-like shape of the tower, I’ve been thinking for several weeks about asking @HOST to plot a little here and there on the sides of the tower so I could make trees grow out of the structure to break the shape and make the whole thing look 128% better.

Host warned me to be careful while building because I’d reach the mesh limit fast, and I didn’t worry about it enough. Because of that, there is a few specific chunks where I’m at mesh-limit, so I couldn’t fit all the machines I wanted. The whole thing with power-coils, I mean 28 meshes for 1 fully powered machine, that’s kinda nuts. I wish there was something like a “cutting-edge power coil” that generates twice as much power, so that they’d take half the space (and mesh-count).

I even considered asking Host to reclaim the tower so I could make it with a wider base to fit crafting stations differently, more horizontally, and to have most of the height of the build be decorative. But I know he wouldn’t let me press the big red button.

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That reclaim would be a shame.

Give it a round two and make a landscraper…call something like the burrow of madness or something

WIP Tower - following the “he’s never gonna finish” option in the poll :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Well, actually yeah, the tower bank is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too small to fit all the stuff taking dust in Host’s reclaim boxes.

But under the Portal Hub, there is a biiiiiiiiig room with lots of pillars and wooden beams that was supposed to be storage space for people who would’ve come build on what was once my attempt at a Mall. That space was like an open-wound for me, anothe reminder of an attempt at something cool that fell flat.

So I’m taking that space an making a storehouse for Host with more than 800 stone cabinets!

Might be the best description of what the tower currently is, yeah. :rofl:

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or Never Ending Story
could be Never Ending Storey actually :wink:

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The Unending Tower?

Infinity Tower!

Reminds me, another inspiration I forgot I had in mind, Half-life’s Citadel in City17.

Not obvious now, but you’ll see once I’m done with the gardens. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think Sisyphus represents an endless task, but for him it was a mundane punishment, but I think it is similar to a creative perfectionist. Ordinary folk look at a marvelous build and are amazed, but the creator is still thinking of where it can be improved thus a sense of his task being endless.


The Glorious Girth of Gob :rofl:

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Tower of Dawn has a good flow to it, but so good it’s already a book (googled it). I don’t have any suggestions but wanted to say it looks dope. Also my new tower is going to have “Needle” in the name, for what it’s worth. I’m not great at naming things unless it’s some kind of parody or snarky play on words.

Would be cool to see how the light up top looks in the dawn/dusk setting with a colorful sky behind it.


It’s also the final tower to climb in Prince of Persia : Sands of Time. That’s where I got the name from.^^
That part of the game was so hard for me the first time that I remember crying out of frustration. :rofl:


Hmm, i had a punny idea, if those chunks lined up right, you could make a crevasse thru the building from west to east and top to bottom, thus removing a bunch of meshes etc. Then, when the run rises, it could be the Crack of Dawn Tower… if your crevasse lines up with the dawn =) I don’t recall if the sun rises at exactly due west or slightly south/north of it (it should rise in the east but does not)

Tower of cosmic dreamz or Tower of cosmic dimentions or Tower of cosmic dream waves.These are a few ideas, oh hang …on Tower of starseed ascention .Of course its me cosmiccori so any idea i have is always linked to the cosmic universe i cant help it its in my dna ! Hope you choose what feels right to u.if you have to think twice about any of these ideas then it aint the right one.Do you feel the vibe? Best of luck choosing a name for this beautiful building ,i love the colours :alien::purple_heart::sparkling_heart:

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That won’t happen because doing a crevass inside the tower would make it harder to navigate and would ruin a lot of my work. ^^
Buuuuut good try. ^^

I won’t go with the full suggestions you made, buuuut I’ll see what options I can come up with based on them! :wink:

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Guess I’m too late with Towery McTowerface. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Yes you are! :stuck_out_tongue:
You may however participate in the second poll, here.

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In Gob’s new poll, he used your idea and changed it up a bit - to spire of ascension, really like that idea :+1:t2:


Omg ! im so happy (GOBS ) inspired by my name ( Tower of starseed Ascention.I wasnt expecting any of my name ideas to actually be picked.Thats cosmic indeed & ill pop by when im on boundless next to see the name on a sign.Thanks for letting me know im really glad i inspired you.:sparkling_heart:I cant help but have something connected to the universe i like cosmic starry stuff and im a sci fi girl.see you soon my sweeties :alien::sparkling_heart:.P.s may the force be with you …spire of ascention is really good & unique.