What turns you off playing Boundless?

That’s why I have zero interest in exos and have yet to set foot on one. For me Boundless is a building game. adding all this content in a no build zone isn’t what interests me and kinda devalues building, for me.

Building feels, to me, more and more like housing where you can just put down a trophy you brought back from your exo trip.


Exos are what keep me playing at this point. Its something new to see and something to see.

Instead of Regen, if you made them difficult to get instead of just rare, it would make it much more engaging and prevent them from being wiped out in the first hour of an exo spawn.

So just to start off I love this game it has great potential. As it is now it is now I would give it a average rating for content. I very rarely voice my opinions on games but I want this one to succeed. I see the love the dev team put into this game. The innovation of being able to shape blocks is awesome but that can only take you so far. When I am playing I dont feel a connection to the world or worlds there is no real story or interaction with the them only player interaction. In the time I have been playing I have only had maybe one or two people even talk to me. I feel some npc’s and maybe some quest lines with some lore can make this a little better. The skill tree in my opinion is horrible really need to flesh this out more and maybe make three separate skill trees hunter gatherer crafter. The five point skills should be broke down down so you feel like your consistently progressing. Right now you either put points into a single point skill or save and feel like you have made no progression for 3 levels when you finally have the points to get a five point skill. It is very slow to progress in levels especially after 25 you want to feel you accomplished something for that level. I have more that I will post later. Hope this helps some.


I have to agree here - I’ve seen it evolving from beginning and I’m used to it, but I bet it’s quite confusing and not very readable for new players.
Could use some re-work for sure.

I’d love more decoration, though something usable would be nice too, like a guestbook or notebook of sorts to use for large messages instead of signs.

Though to add to this thread, I have one thing that’s disappointed me recently;

My exoplanet atlas(es?) having wiped clean once the exoplanets vanished… :frowning:


I’d LOOOOOVE a guestbook where people can write and read comments. :3


yeaaaah. you log in and check guestbook and there is " you suck you suck you suck you suck" lol

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Sure, there’s that risk. I personally wouldn’t want such a feature to not exist because of possible trolls.
The owner could possibly report & hide some comments and only leave what he finds nice, like how it works on the forums.


Hey guys, if yall want to discuss an idea further then please make a new topic and continue there, thanks!


So here goes my second post I am not hating on higher levels or people that have put more time in than me however i do feel limits should be put on plots owned on at least the beginning planets. I just got my son started on this game and was trying to get him started near me when I noticed this gigantic portion of the planet on the heat map lit up like Christmas tree. You really dont stand a chance in gaining titles for the planet when someone can just swoop in and buy up large masses of land and have stuff that is not even obtainable for beginning players. I do understand the multiple counter arguments to this but there has to be a middle ground somewhere. I am also not trying to delagitamize the work and time people have put into this but maybe put bonuses for buildings on higher tier worlds and penalties for higher levels building on lower tier worlds and maybe cap plots on lower tier worlds. Next more variety in stuff you can build and this would also flesh out skill tree split as I mentioned above. More furniture, maybe some wall hangings, statues in which you could find this stuff in the world while your hunting. Some good examples would be portal knights was really cool you could go in a dungeon and harvest the gargoyles or statues to put into your base. Next randomized dungeons and buildings throughout the worlds. Something to explore something to see, and maybe a little lore that can be discovered in game.

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Recipies in machines that dont have recipies such as the foundry or smelter or what ever it’s called. There are a lot of recipies in game that I just am not going to remember. It does take away from the game when you have to go out of game to look it up. I kind of want to see recipies in the centraforge but I dont know how that would work with rng on it. I hope you take my feedback as feedback not hating on the game.

I would vote no to this because some people enjoy the beauty & serenity of the lower lush planets. They have no desire to fight meteors, deal with enemies, and use up their tools at a higher rate on a higher tier planet. You can level up really fast by just mining and placing blocks - those folks shouldn’t be relegated to building on only high tier planets.

There are 50 planets, so there can only be so many great cities and wardens. Not everyone will achieve those titles. Honestly I wish those titles/achievements didn’t exist, but it’s how BL wants it.

There are tons of planets and plots. You might want to explore a bit and see if you can find an area/planet that you prefer. I know there are still some nice big pieces available on Angel 1.

Edit to add: you have some good ideas in your 1st post that I do agree with :+1:. You might consider posting those things in the suggestion category instead of on this post.


I am on Angel 1 I am not saying there is not plots. Just felt discouraged when I finally got my son in game our plans of ruling it were dashed by the great pyramid of gleam.

Oh and my settlement is Anevmial over by green acres.

That happened to me once or twice also so I totally understand. I built next to a lake that I was looking forward to building docks on, etc…only to discover later that it was entirely plotted lol. All I can suggest is for you two to explore and maybe find an area that has a little more room, if you need it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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The furnace has a recipe list these days.

Also penalties for high level players on low level worlds, really?

Can’t believe there isn’t a planet out there which has lots of space left for you so I don’t see the point of this at all.

Besides once those low level planets get fuller with plotted land a new one will spawn which will be completely empty…


he was not talking about space more the fact that a level 500+ can go to a starter world drop 2K plots and build “gleam city” and become a warden that no player naturely on that world would ever have a chance of competing with. the devs implanted a form of competitive gameplay to BL that is heavily favored towards vet players


Which machine doesn’t have a recipe list? (I thought they all did now.)

Do you mean the Forge?

A lack of no real feeling of progression really turns me off in the long run. I’d love for a “mastery” system to be implemented, rather than just pointlessly gathering levels.

I feel like a “mastery” system would bring a whole new life also to crafting, grinding and gathering too. Like craftable costumes, weapon skins or even mounts (everyone loves rideable mounts, especially dragons :sweat_smile::grimacing:)