What turns you off playing Boundless?

I am extremely anti-censorship; it infantilises a populace. There are so many awesome people here that talking things out is an opportunity to grow. I’m not talking about cuss words, I swear a lot but am cuss-agnostic which pretty much means I appreciate the difference between censorship and the intentional violence packed into a culture’s current set of cuss words and how that can make people flinch and/or there’s kids here too. If you’re removing utterly useless non-information to keep a forum from falling over itself, I get that impulse, but censorship once introduced gets employed for the sake of convenience more and more because it seems meaningless what’s being removed, and that train doesn’t stop rolling till it flies off the track. It’s better to at least be absolutely transparent about and justify every instance of the censorship. Power is always dangerous, it’s only a matter of time and circumstance before maintaining it devolves into corruption. I’m not against hiding stuff so it takes wanting to see it to see it tho. Plus it was hilarious trrying to name a beacon on planet Pizza coz I never saw that box jump up and down and leave graphical artifacts before.

But yeah, big unspoken things and taboos aganist understanding what happened to the guild/city/project/whatever you were really digging being in absolutely takes a poop on the game, it broke something about the game I fell in love with(knowing only a tiny tiny tiny bit of it and it is much more textured and rich with potential than happily ever after probably would have been. I

Having all screwups and bad actions and people responding to it or wanting to understand why in the world things happened how they did and what happened to the leaders run everything by the guild members those were nice words written on the waste of people’s time. That not talking about things makes a lot of collective efforts in the world fragile, brittle, bad for creativity and go go juice.

That sense of random explosions from anywhere with no talk-it-out after popped up when I had trouble with my stupid stupid stupis card (it WAS my card, not the site, the service is doing bad ■■■■ that breaks its own rules so I’m going after them to at least force them to update their terms and the fuzzier salesy statements about how the card works.

Anyway, a friend once said to me a long long time ago after telling a realllly scary campfire story about seven recurring patterns and likely end-scenarios of interpenetrated material and memetic apocalypse… I mean seriously it felt super bad even with plenty of cold beer around (and rakia!) …he said

…as long as we keep talking, we’ll be okay.


Could you please describe how and where you were able to do this and how long it took? I constantly have to spend gobs of time gathering the orange orbs and buying them would just transfer the mystery out of my hands, Teach me, please, I so want to know what techniques to practice to become a supergatherer of orbs & suchlike. I might have to trade something, I have no idea what but we could talk about it. Which orbs are we talking about? What tools? I want to be one with the 1-2k orbs easily and lots of extras experience.

I will stop boundless After a lots of Time spend in because the problem with connection IS simple Bad really Bad , thé game was really fun but thé support for connect to thé served are …
Enougth for me

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Honestly, quite a few things still turn me off a bit from the game but I think a lot less than they used to, mostly because I’ve simply become accustomed to them. :thinking:

But at the moment, my biggest turn offs have to be chiselling seamless glass and octigrid; the making of said glass, and forging (more because of the materials, not so much the forging in itself).


My sovereign is open to farming. I have regions of rocky soil and mudflats that have an abundance of Nox and mushrooms.

We should stop replying to posts in this topic. That’s not what this topic is for.


He still has a valid point about p2w. And it would be nice if the event popup in game said something about possible effects on prices for people not on forums maybe?

Well when we have a solution, should we just DM the person instead? If you want to see replies go away, can you offer a solution?

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What turns me off playing Boundless?

Same thing as a few months ago…not having time to play boundless. Sigh. My goo farm and bats have been calling my name in my sleep for a week now. It’s bad. Real bad. Haha


What turns me off?

-no actual content updates frequently
-crafting times
-no communication (suggestions. Questions. Whats next?)
-same biomes repeating themselves on different planet
-Nothing For Explorer Who have alrdy “seen it all” (treasures Or even a rusty badge)
-no achievement titles
-no accountbound cosmetics/cubits generally (that you have bought with real life money).
-no updated homepage
-no New weapons
-no armor (stats /cosmetics)
-no New mobs
-no New races
-no dungeons… Not even a minibosses.
-no New Wood blocks
-no ecological machine (solar panels etc)



and now also:

  • no Buugi

Those are three things on my large “figure this out/force yourself to practice” bucket. Wierdly my sov turns out to be that perfect pocket gym to break my old lo-skill habits and I’m learning stuff without making a point of it… even… I’ve had a few accidental successes with flipping up onto a ridge from below—my GRAPPLING NEMESIS is showing signs we might be having tea together soon… joy to the wheee, allll the whoo! and yeaaaahh, joy to the fishes of the emoji, joy to exos in threes (esp color switchy, yooooaaeeee! o/~

yeah i wish buugi would stay, i’m failing to figure out how

@devs, @oortians, @james, can you throw this ultima-early backer/player a bone from this well-articulated wish list? some of these seem low bar enough efforts to implement for the sake of rekindling some spirit without chaosing ongoing plans/pjmg


ps: I keep meaning to ask for more patterns to craft for woodblocks–in the base game like rock deco has, I loooove building with wood, already love the timber and refined patterns bunches, but long for the deco pattern 2 set like rock has. patterns that can arrange into different meta-patterns are da bomb, unidirectional patterns that look bad if you want to play with block layout big patterns are frustruating tho. i quilt, if that helps explain the love of the perfect square tile pattern that could launch a thousand new ideas, coz if each side of a block had different dark/light arrangement levels and were easy to place… oh to be able to rotate a block through all six alignments rather than just the four single-axis rotations available to machines & storage & flowers – in place…


New weapons are coming soon ™ :grinning:


Friendly reminder: please post replies & suggestions to the general category. This thread is for complaints/feedback, directly for the devs. Thank you


somebody remind me if i forget?

Well my main complaint is that I wish there was more people. I can go to a game like swtor and see thousands on a server, or go to STO and see about 50-80 per instance.
But the devs for those game actually advertise.
When I mention Boundless to people, most have never heard of it. And that’s just sad really.


I have a hunch this will change; there’s too much work still being done to not plan to pull in more people. This game also has the perfect solution for my worrywart little brother’s voxel-digging kids having to play locally only: they can have a whole universe to themselves and never cross paths with anybosy else (but I could visit).