What would turn you on to playing Boundless?

Titans and other multiplayer activities that have rewards not centered around building or portals.


For me, the things that would get me even more excited and playing more would be-

A variety of new blocks, but especially furniture and anything that could be used to decorate interiors of buildings. Beds, wallpaper and carpets, bookshelves, ect.
Blueprints - So many uses and could open up a new economic niche for builders. But for me, the appeal would be in - not being a good builder myself - taking stuff I like and just modifying it to my tastes, which I am good at doing.
NPCs - Really could add so much life to settlements I think, lots of opportunity for adding tutorials, lore, and humor.
Random loot, collectables, more secrets to discover.

All that said, if I had to pick something to do first, I’d lean towards attention to the tutorial, because of seeing us lose what might otherwise be great additions to the community at that point. However, the private universes MAY provide a solution there by allowing an easier way for new players to learn - private universes could be made so that it goes faster and is simpler at the outset.


more living things for sure. NPCs (kinda necessary for single player now) animals, bugs, birds, butterflies, fish and players

yup, this. some ultra rare fossils, geodes, stamps, whatever. some stuff to put on a shelf that is not used in recipes

  • More building blocks
  • Monster nests
  • Ambient/character NPCs (think Terraria shop keepers or Minecraft villagers)
  • Hired/programmed NPCs (tell them what to say and do)
  • More decorative blocks
  • Animal taming
  • Animal breeding
  • Lore
  • More chisels

There are several things that could potentially draw me back into the game again, and I feel many of them fall under a similar subject: Environmental updates.

As beautiful as Boundless can be, I’ve not felt any real motivation to leave my little corner of the world for a long time because as it is right now, there’s not a lot out there that actually engages me as a player. The crafting system is solid, I LOVE all the insane things we’re able to build, especially with the chiseling system. But to me, this game is just as much about exploration as it is about creating, so it’s pretty discouraging when that drive to explore just isn’t there.

I feel that adding more to the worlds’ ecosystem would make it feel more alive. Adding more weather types would be a good start; we already have rain and snow, why not kick it up a notch and add slightly more extreme versions of those? With storms, lightning could be a potential threat to you, but also wherever it strikes you could find a few blocks of Rift? Blizzards could reduce visibility and add a level of Cold atmo to the environment outside of a proper building, maybe even have a chance of freezing standing water after a time? Sandstorms, hail, windstorms. Stuff like that could make every excursion feel like an adventure.

But Environmental could also mean adding more fauna. Even if they were only to drop basic mob items at first (bones, blood, and skins), the fact is all we’ve ever seen are the same 5 creatures. Maybe some of the newer ones could be tied to certain planet types, but it’d be nice to just shake things up with some dogs or cats (or whatever the rock goblin equivalent would be), including some aquatic creatures to make the water more interesting. Just adding some fish would spice things up visually, and of course, maybe add a fishing mechanic with them to be used in cooking/crafting. Anything bigger than those could be hostile creatures like crocodiles, whose scales could be used for a swim speed boost or add to your breath timer.

As mentioned in the OP, it’d also be nice to tame some of those creatures and benefit from them, even some of the older ones. Maybe we could tame a wildstock and they’d charge at hostile hoppers, not doing much damage but knocking them away. Roadrunners could provide a persistent speed boost, or maybe even serve as mounts (if they were big enough to carry the load.) Perhaps the new cats could be the cuttletrunks’ natural enemy, warding them off or attacking them if they get too close. It would also be cool to be able to raise them, so even baby’s first pupper on a T1 planet could have the potential to eventually become an Umbris-powered war machine… but that’s a whole other topic worthy of its own thread.

Outside of any of that, an update to the combat is sorely needed. We need melee options, two-handers, shields. Maybe some armor to toughen us up outside of food buffs. Clothes wouldn’t hurt, some could provide environmental resistances. There could be an option to adopt our markings/tattoos to said armor/clothes so they don’t get completely hidden. New hairstyles.

I think I’m out of ideas for now, but I feel like I’ve said my piece. I hope it was helpful!


If NPC’s were to ever make an appearance. What I would enjoy to see is a mechanic that allows roaming NPC’s populating the world’s that also build on their own.

A game that does this well is Subsistence. In this game NPC’s will roam the world as if they are gathering materials like they were another actual player in the life of the world. They as well build their own bases. There are different tiers of bases they build as they live longer undisturbed.

This I feel would bring a more natural feel to the game and a nice challenge if they are treated as a new mob type. Also giving a type of dungeon mechanic at the same time. Allowing us to raid these bases for resources and special treasures.

(In Subsistence the NPC’s can raid your base also.)


This sounds really awesome. I would love to also be able to trade with them as well. They could sell local resources. If I want exotic leaves from this world, let me just go buy them from the locals. Limited supply, of course.

Then we could also hire them to come live with us and perform automation-like task for us, or just stand and greet people. They would require a salary to maintain, or they go back home. No slavery, please.


I’ll pay 10 NPC’s to say “Bob’s is great” everytime I walk past them :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Please install one at each farm.


Imagine a maze full of NPC’s that just say “This is the way” lol


Mandalorian NPC’s?

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I was hoping someone would get it lol

Imagine that armour in game though! I can dream!


would be even better if, right after, they would mumble “I have spoken”


I love lamp.


I agree with most everything Vex suggests and will toss the following into the ring as well:

Transformation machines - Transform & possibly Liquify/Solidify. There is nothing in the game more tedious than transforming 5000 sedimentary stone over to 5000 metamorphic stone (except of course bigger piles of those same materials) just so you can make it into marble or the right shape of brick. Even if it cost me the crazy green fuel to run the machines, I’d pay it. I HATE converting those stones. Please please fix this.

While we are at it, an evolution of Sedimentary stone and Igneous would be amazing as well. Metamorphic is really unfairly imbalanced at the moment. Give us some Polished Riverstone blocks from the Sedimentary and Sleek Volcanic from the Igneous so we have some seamless patterns for those stones as well.

Finish the stuff they keep showing us. The devs keep showing sneak peaks of blocks, items, even stone spitter sculptures and cooking stations. So far of those the only one we’ve seen actually make it into the game is the cauldron and they put some cheesy arcane symbols on the side and its limited to halloween crafts only, and does nothing. That thing should have been where we cook our halloween brews, not the mixer. It was at least a new block! I made so many of them out of excitement for the new block.

Dynamic mobs. Every world has the same mobs. Sure the chilly cuttles are blue and the corrosive are purple, but they are the same everywhere, excepting the lowest tier planets where the tougher ones don’t spawn. The high tier just have bigger versions of the same mobs.


I would appreciate more location adds. I hate when my location list is full and I have to delete one to add one. With sovereign planets added we need the ability to add more locations in our list. Please and thank you.


Hmm…what if the list was separated into 250 main, 50 exo, and 250 sovereign planets? Instead of all planets in one cluster**** list.

Maybe having a different page for each type of world, or at minimum drop down menus fur each type?

What would make me turn Boundless into my primary game that would make me wanna pull all nighters on the weekend (or next lock-down) would be the addition of more technical stuff. Just the pure creative possibilities would keep me glued for years

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Ecological items For house building- > solar panels.
Rainwater harvesting system. Wind turbines just To name a few.


forgot (somehow) to mention books.
books books books
and in addition, book shelves that can display books.
i don’t mind if we don’t or do get a printing press type machine or not
i could just as well have fun hand copying my books. for me it would add to the
specialty of a book.

It would also mean people could make impressive book collection rooms.
and maybe a a few could be inspired to make boundless trailers for their books xD
idk i just want books and all that books can bring both in the stories and in other things the community can create with them.

its like a cascading effect of books… you add one thing and can get so much from the one thing. which i see is how others feel about what they want, they can do so much if they just had one or two things they love. let alone the full list of their dream :smiley: