When adults are spoiled

Okay its Friday and I am a 33 year old male who is married. I know i should be doing some real life social activities acting my age I think it is called but i just feel like gaming today but then the horrible has happened and it is way more serious than all the disasters in the world I cannot find a game that I want to play out of my 100 something games. I feel grumpy and restless how do i solve this horrible situation. please give me some input I am one of those who does not like to be bored…

my punctuation is pretty bad and my grammar too :slight_smile:

FPS, Hack&Slay, Simulation, RTS, Survival?
Multiplayer or Story?
Casual or competitive?
Some new AAA titles, indie, old-school?

Hard to make a suggestion without knowing your preferences :smile:

You can also check out these two threads to get some ideas:


I have the same problem. I’m kind of countering it with less gaming and more other hobbies so I enjoy the games I actually play more and burn out on them less often.

i think i have a broad taste in games but i have mainly been playing building games and survival

@KuroKuma tbh i dont really have any hobbies besides gaming i like to listen to audiobooks i usually listen to those while gaming:)

I only have animes as my other hobby. But recently I started to make videos again which also counts I think^^

Just try out different things, you might be surprised what you’ll like doing^^

New season update for Diablo III is dope af.

@Havok40k never finished the original diablo 3:-)

Reaper of Souls is 2X better than vanilla d3

I was feeling the same way, then I remembered ive always wanted to play civilization 5. It kept me busy for a few weeks and I enjoyed playing it. I think there is a humble bundle sale going on that includes it too.

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2x0=0 :stuck_out_tongue:

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I like games where i can be creative but all of the games out there seems to be Early access or if not then i have played them so much they lost my interest…:slight_smile:

Them’s fightn’ words where I come from.

It’s just simple math where I come from^^

Didn’t say I was proud of my state :frowning: