When are you not considered a “boundless beginner”?

So I have played about 120 days not talking hrs I’m talking days of consistently playing and a well set up base constantly has over 100k for about 3 weeks now have my main at lvl 60 and my secondary at lvl 47 would I still be considered a “boundless beginner”
I’m asking this because I don’t want to keep saying I’m a noob if I’m actually not


Asking if you’re a noob, is a noob question, isn’t it? :slight_smile:



Touché lol

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Don’t focus on labels.

This isn’t like an on/off switch, it’s a spectrum - a dimmer switch. Everyone is a little bit noob, because everyone is missing some knowledge.

I know nearly everything about the game, but wait… there are some really interesting water mechanics and light switches I’ve never messed with. I guess that’s a little bit noob I’ve got right there.

Do you feel like you have more to learn than you know, or do you feel like you’ve got a good solid grip on the game, mechanics, blocks, web resources, community resources, hubs, etc? Or do you feel like you’re learning new stuff pretty often still?


Your not a noob until you start getting into more advanced aspects of the game


I only asking so I don’t abuse people’s pity/kindness


I thought you said “Peity” and it made me instantly think of Crusader Kings lol

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Your noobness is not what should dictate your use of pity/kindness. Your needs should. If you can provide for yourself, do it. If you are struggling and need help, ask for it.

I got no help when I was a noob, because that is how I play, but after I knew most of the game, I had to ask questions on here and get help with a couple advanced things - most notably I didn’t know about lattice chisels.
I didn’t need help/kindness from strangers until after I stopped being a ‘noob’.


O ik that but I don’t want to say the wrong term and generate pity over something that’s not there

I can tell you my own experience;


Theres always more tricks to figure out, it’s just about finding them.


I do not recommend focusing too much on the label, i do recommend deciding for yourself what amount of help you want to receive or politely decline as people can be nice to others here regardless of labels.

This community is overall just happy and inclusive and loving.


I have a saying…“Rob only helps those that can help themselves” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Seriously tho, if I know someone is trying, I’m willing to help them, but I can spot a leech from a mile away :face_vomiting: For me, I considered myself not a “noob” when I could comfortably sustain my own needs, AND has the resources to help others :+1:

This includes mats, xcoin, but most importantly, knowledge. In the latter, I am past “noob”, but still learn new things all the time!

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I think people don’t quite understand I don’t care if I’m a noob or not it’s so I can make sure i don’t mislead others even on accident

Ahh ok

10 char.

I understand. You have limitations…you are 12. With no income, and have school and such. You have been playing a short time, but have considerable interest in the game. So long as you keep it :100: in chat, I’m sure myself and many others will be willing to help you out. I know u have the best of intentions, so keep ur chin up, keep it real, and keep on keepin bro :vulcan_salute:


Btw my family is not poor my mom just doesn’t believe in a allowance

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never meant to insinuate that, sorry if it came off that way…

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No I didn’t take offense just wanted to straighten the story out


When do you think you are misleading people? By saying you are a noob? I would recommend never saying you are a noob in any game. You can say, “I’m only been playing for a little while - I have a decent base, but I’m not rich or anything” or something more precise than noob/not noob.


Fair enough