Where are the colors?

It is supposedly in the color pallet, so you should be right. Now if we could just get all the foliage colors in there.

some hidden treasure…


WHERE??? you found it! ALL HAIL @catfud

It’s been a couple of days since I started this thread, time to update it by giving you some more information about how the different colors we have had in the exoworlds we encountered.

First, a table that I made using data from a spreadsheet that contains all the resources and their colors. You can see that some colors are really favored by the “RNG” system that is being used.

next is a chart containing the metamorphic rock colors from the exo worlds. Please note that some of these are also present on permanent worlds.

This is still a work in progress and was meant to answer questions that I was asking myself. I was thinking that others would maybe like to see this.


Yeah this. I’m not a fan of the restricted palette allowable for certain planet types, like Umbris for instance, always in the red/orange range. I get why, umbris is in the same range and makes it less easy to spot but I would be ok to let that design idea go and open up more different colours. Next time I want an all blues umbris, haha, and add an atmosphere that makes sure that umbris looks like the blues…

Yup, would be lovely it was opened up a bit more, especially since we mostly get T5+! T4 exos can have a much bigger range in colours and I would love that to happen to the T5+ as well!

One new colour each at a minimum each week for any kind of item. Still means it’s gonna take a while before we have all the colours. There are like 35 rock colours currently? So 4 and a half years before we get all 255…

And yes, with rentals the chances go up tho! Perhaps we should wait to see how that goes, perhaps the devs have made some changes in that regard or have plans for it soon’ish but they wanna see what happens with the rentals first with new colours…

I do also still feel that the lucents need to have more uses, or the existing ones should be changed since currently when I see another umbris with all red/orange colours I go ‘meh’ and skip it. Been ahwile since I went to an exo! hehe


My two cents for what its worth. After returning from a reasonable layoff I must say Im surprised by the lack of new colors (well rock anyhow cause thats what I farm) that the Exos have thrown out. Watching eagerly to see what effect Sovereign worlds has on this…


I’m so sick and tired of all the color scarcity ;p


You’d think with over 280 new planets we would have seen a little more variety show up.

I’m hoping a lot of new planet owners, treat this first planet as a “tester” - let it expire and get a new one next month. If enough of us spend on turning over new planets rather than fuelling old ones, maybe we’ll be able to get the whole community some new colours to play with. :slight_smile:

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I’ve generated two already. Didn’t get any new rock or gleam on the second though so I’m holding onto that one for a week or so before i finalize it

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Kind of crazy how many sedimentary rock colors we have available vs how little metamorphic rock colors