Where is the show room?

I was out of the game for some time, but when I left there was something called a showroom. Is that still around? I really need it to find more forgers.

u mean gleam show room? or other blocks?

maybe it wasn’t called the showroom… It was a place where you would get a 1x1 room to show off your merchandise, with a portal to your shop. And it was ordered by category, so you would have the forgers row, then the gatherers, builders, etc.

Last time I saw an active portal to Show Room, it was through Coils R Us, but those portals have been up and down, and the place didn’t seem to be actively maintained anymore.

Places I personally check for forged goods:

The Golden Fist, which has a portal at TNT
EZPZ, which has a TNT portal, as well as a mall spot at DK mall (though stock has been a little light recently)
Fantasy Tree, which has good high-tier stuff


yah, I know those places, but I wanted to see the little guys that forge, some time I would find really good stuff. Fantasy tree for example dosen’t have anything good (at leasst for me and what I am looking).

Sad to hear it wasn’t maintained.

The forger avenue, seems great, exactly what I was looking for, thanks


Thx for mention EZPZ :relaxed: White has been on a break, and I went through several graduate school interviews in the past months. Thus the stocking went slow. Hopefully I can catch up the selling speed :smiley: (Customers are so enthusiastic xD I love them and I don’t want to increase the prices)


EZPZ is always my go-to place, since you guys usually have everything, but everyone needs breaks, and nobody is obligated to play more than they want to just to keep up with business. I hope things go well with graduate school!


Thank you! :relaxed:


Show room is over. It was closed a few months ago iirc.

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Pretty sure this place expired and regened



Show room is gone

Showroom is gone. Reclaimed some of my beacons there. Was good while it lasted tho


I wonder what the oldest beacon in game is…is there some way to tell?

Probably ps?

Maybe, or just some random person that was by them self.

Legend has it there is a one plot beacon that appeared at the beginning of time. It hold but one block of wood. It reads, we were erased.