Slubs started on Tana Vii in the shadow of DK Mall and when we returned we rebuilt there, just farther away from the mall. Aside from the weather it’s a great planet.
I think I started on Beckon. Moved to Pheminorum as my guild leader had a guild build there. Moved to Sorissi after she stopped playing. And have lived on various sovs named Charoite ever since.
I started on CEPHONEX MERIKA! I moved around a couple times. Including a T2 planet all the way to a T6 planet for a time. Been viceroy of a few planets before. But now I am settled on my Sovereign Realm Eternal where I plan to stay.
Hi i first got spawned in arie when first played boundless on me ps4.Then i met some guy on arie who told me to follow him through to bitula & then to lamblis.Im not sure his nane but he was friendly and i was new.Anyway as soon as i beamed through the portal i saw lots of pretty pink bushes on lamblis a really busy ps hub with many people useing the beautiful looking hub & i thought wow.I decided to go off into the woods & check out those trees and i came upon a huge hill.I ended up plonking my beacon down at the top of the hill and started building my first proper home.I made a big pyramid and loved the view of the ps hub from it.Since that day i stayed in lamblis building bits n bobs those gleam towers lol ( eyesaw) and kept creating weird stuff here n there.Its not finished lol but its my home still which is 4 years later or 3 years later now my city ( COSMICVIBRATIONS).Im on my t4 sovereign now pretty much most of my time building my hub at min.Im always keeping lamblis city as i spent many hours there.I visit other peoples places sometimes & love to see what people have been making.Not much time at min though as got projects im trying to create.If u visit my sovereign at my hub be careful around hub as no glass there i have to come up with a design yet to put there.Stay close to the portals its safer!p.s bitula was beautiful to and i remember this guy building the place think it was called ( roots) i was amazed at his beautiful pathways and trees.Its mostly gone now unfortunetly but there is a nice log he made thats near my other build in bitula.He was talented and inspired me too.
Started on Sorrisi with just me and a gaming partner.
Not long after moved to Arie with the long lost Oortlanders guild.
Came back to game after a 2 yr hiatus, spent a year on Raxxa.
Just moved hearth and home to Storis II.
Pretty sure I’ll be staying here a long long while.
The terrain is just fantastic for my build style.