Im not still have 5k plots available and the cubits are just stacking in my pocket.
If i in the future really really need cubit and don’t have them ill just buy them
Im not still have 5k plots available and the cubits are just stacking in my pocket.
If i in the future really really need cubit and don’t have them ill just buy them
There are always people who quit with every update for ‘insert reason here’ in every game I’ve ever played. They don’t wait for the update, they don’t wait to see if whatever it is is actually a true issue, they just throw up their hands and declare the end of the world is upon us.
I have found that devs tend to make drastic swings when they change things. Then after it’s live, look at the numbers and adapt. If the cubit thing is a big issue, I believe they’d tweek it later if needed and I am not grinding cubits
I’ve pretty much stopped playing at the moment - the uncertainty and lack of information on the xp/cubit thing is only part of the reason.
I have a lot of time and plots already invested in a massive project on my sovereign world, but if the end goal is unattainable and I end up having to fill time doing other stuff just to earn plots to continue building with, then I’ll just end up letting the whole thing expire and move my play time offline… when the update is finally released.
Edit: typo
I see a lot of posts like this and I agree and disagree. I just started not too long ago … and I was unaware that the game even touted itself as an MMO. While it does have a lot of MMO elements to me that game is just a sandbox along with games like Minecraft, Creativerse… (insert sandbox game).
Sandbox games tend to rely on what you make the game … while sandbox games do lay some groundwork for players, it is up to the players to actually make the game what they want it.
Having played so many sandbox games myself, I can put Boundless on the level of Minecraft, they both have some initial leveling, both require gathering, build while not required is the normal next progression, hunting … but all in all it is up to the players to determine what they want out of the game.
Boundless drew me in, I had zero idea what it was other than a better looking Minecraft… and now I just set my own goals that is the beauty of sandboxes … maybe they add Titans and T8s … more end game content, that would still be no different than the the Enderdragon in Minecraft… while you can kill the Enderdragon the game still continues … thus why perosnal goals are needed.
I think they should drop the whole MMO moniker personally as the game truly is just a sandbox with MMO elements. Sadly, people will come and go in games … but there is always a core community that sticks with the game as they love it and just want it to succeed.
I agree with all the words. I tend to focus on what’s in front of me and make my plans accordingly. This doesn’t mean I don’t have wishes or hopes…my kingdom for more props. But, I figure the game is what I make of it. I do like others being a part of it though. I don’t want an offworld mode.
going to be interesting to see how this update will affect how people play the game.
I have been farming (mining/crafting) for a while, which I perversely enjoy, but once this update hits I’ll be focusing on building…have lots of ideas floating around, which also means I’ll be buying a lot less speed hammers from ezpz and such.
all in all, looking forward to update.
There is no roadmap, OP. The devs move from whatever hot-button item they’re jazzed about to the next one. Also, this update isn’t coming any time soon. I wouldn’t expect it before June at this point. We are realistically looking at 2 updates per year as of now.
Go ahead and flag my post. You all know I’m correct deep down.
Update lands and there the Hunter and basher added also forgiven O.O
I know a lot of people don’t agree with me, but I still think the owners/renters of Sov planets shouldn’t have to waste time grinding for plots to use on their own world. All plots should belong to them initially and then they can give perms to friends/family/players to plot, if they so choose.
It seems like the new XP progression system is more like an MMORPG than a sandbox imo. If the game is moving that direction, that’s cool. Existing players will probably be very happy with the skill point change, but the XP gains - not so much. It would be nice to have a little info on the overall direction of the game at this point.
I hope the new update draws in new players who will eventually join the MMO side… and does not cause us to lose many on the MMO side. As it is, I’m starting now to have trouble finding the forged things I want, one forger after another is dropping.
There are a lot of things I’ve thought of saying but I’ve held my tongue (well, fingers) on. Others have said much of what I’m thinking, and some of what I’m thinking is speculation, might be unfair. So I’ll leave it at just this:
I love this game as much as ever. I will always be so grateful for it, for the healing it has brought me, for the true friendships it has given me. I will continue to do anything I can to promote and support it. But I’m also very worried for it’s future.
On topic, I’m grinding exp a bit here and there, but I think I should be fine for what I need even after the change, as I mine and hunt more than I build.
“made the game more grind” is a pretty good reason for a lot of people to stop wasting time with a game and just go play something else.
ironically the level cap going up isnt directly a “cubit nerf” even though it is a cubit nerf, its just the result of math.
Cubits being tied to levels, when there is a fake level cap, just sort of seems like poor game design and bad implementation. … seriously why do i keep earning skill points well above what i can use?
They should have tied cubits to the daily objectives (yes i know what im saying) this would have allowed players to just receive them by playing the game and doing something other than leveling mindlessly. With objectives of varying difficultly and reward amounts so that some one could choose what they were able to do. (on the buisness side this would have allowed them to limit the cubit gain rate so that some one couldnt power level simply because they had time to waste.)
Definitely do agree with you there. I’m currently keeping track of 2 timers for my build as well… one for the world rental, and one for the beacon / Gleam Club… it’s a shame they’re not linked in some way.
I really do hope it does as well.
For me personally, I’m likely to be heading in the opposite direction and taking my building to an offline world, so I can play more casually without having to worry about paying for the upkeep of a world I might not have time to play on for a while.
Completely agree… and im sorry to say it but its one of my main reasons why I don’t have a sov. Like i said before we pay for it why will we be limited as a owner with plots…
That said seeing it from the other side… it would have ment that claimed (most cases un used) terrein wouldn’t be reclaimed bij us (especially GC holders).
Again ill buy the cubits when i need them, pay for GC so I don’t have to track time on all my builds and if i where to take a sov ill even have to keep track of that to (imagine the cost monthly and plot based as i never have enough plots on a starting build)
[edit] if that would be changed owner ploting and prices (as i want the bigger planet) would be a bit more “fair”. Ill probably get one without thinking about it. (But im alone and the cost would be to much).
I was getting ready to post that I’m not sure the offline worlds will see much use (mostly due to PC hardware/internet requirements) - then you posted your comment so I could be wrong lol. I was looking at stats from the 3rd party apps and players are choosing Sovs over Creative planets by 92.5% or so.
I’m curious if/how these downloadable worlds will be different from the world builder that can currently be used (it seems very few people have used it so far). Will it function like a local co-op/friends invite planet similar to MC & Terraria?
I don’t farm cubits, I stopped playing for now. I prefer to build and play alone and the game is already to grindy for my liking if you want to keep some portals open (and without portals nobody visits you and it’s no longer an MMO).
The cubit nerf was the straw that broke the camels back. I have zero interest to grind even more.
Doesn’t really help that the only thing the patch is going to add is hunt stuff, which I have zero interest in.
IMO that is because it it very difficult to use. There is no real documentation. I know there a few people out there who have figured it and do really well with it.
I have tried to use it a couple of times and got lost real fast…crash and burn…did not get what I thought I would.
Only people who backed at a certain level have access to the actual world builder. Otherwise you just have access to some preset profiles like the world type drop-down from the sov form. There is no way for a new player to gain access to it.
Yup, exactly that. There will be an interface where you can make your universe public (with or without password) so others can also join you. As far as I know, world builder hasn’t been modified to output the required world profiles to be able to generate your worlds to your own exact requirements. It’ll just be the standard… I want a T1/2/3 (as they’re multi-tiered now) Lush World… and off it goes (although, you can have multiple worlds still too). I honestly don’t know what level of control we’ll have beyond that.
I’ve not been on the test server in a while, so I don’t know if the interface is in place yet, but the plan was to give us simple interface so we can create and run our own worlds / universes. The way it is (was?) set up was using the dev interface just to get something working and in test.
I did the sandbox discovery world creation thing and found it to be meh. Haven’t touched it since, but that’s just a mode that I personally don’t prefer.
Would this essentially be Sovereign planets?
It would still be separate from the MMO, so separate characters & inventory. It just lets you open your local (or hosted, once they release the standalone launcher) server to other players so they can start characters on a universe you control.
Once the standalone servers exist, people will presumably be able to start modding the game, but I have some worries that this update won’t include that, at least not in an easy to use way.