Who is @nature?... It was Jeff! (I meant the sign was Jeff, not that @nature is Jeff šŸ˜‚)

He does have a claimed plot but what he built isnā€™t an eyesore. Iā€™m totally fine with it. It was just the ā€œlameā€ that bugged me.

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Heres another thought:

I think the competition @Cookviper is running is awesome on many levels.

  1. Itā€™s great that the community is organising stuff and getting involved. Bravo @Cookviper (and @willcrutchley and @TwistedFoot)!!
  2. It celebrates a new feature - the chisels - which I also think is particularly awesome. Bravo Boundless dev team!!.
  3. It also allows players to be creative and build some really cool structures. Bravo everyone!!

So for me, itā€™s the total opposite of ā€œLAmEā€. (And the dude didnā€™t even use a chisel!! Now THATā€™s LAME.)


Also to add, this also shows if anything is to be discussed ingame, we really need some sort of pm/mail system to be able to catch people when theyā€™re online/offline.
Unless youā€™re friended with someone, you donā€™t even know who is about, only a rough idea of how many if you have markers on the planets to check current online population level.


@james, I suppose I would define griefing as undermining or ruining someoneā€™s build in any way. I get that this wasnā€™t very serious at all, I just though some action should be taken.
Also @Cookviper gets all credit for this competition, I want none of it!! (All I did was hold the plots for a bit)

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No way man. Both you and @TwistedFoot have helped out more then you think and is insanely appreciated. :grin:

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Well, I hope that nature didnā€™t realize that word is not beaconed, that would be a nice twist :smiley:

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I know.

But donā€™t underestimate minor contributions that help make things work.

(Bravo @willcrutchley)


Aww :blush: thanks, and yeh @TwistedFoot did a great job with the video :+1::+1:


Yeah, especially with all the timezones donā€™t underestimate good organization :slight_smile:


I think that conversation with the person in case would always make clear if it was intentional or not. And intent is what makes it greifing in my opinion. If someone builds next to another player and blocks his exit (i.e. doors), if you ask about it and they say it wasnā€™t intentional and correct the mistake than itā€™s fine. You can always say itā€™s just a minor annoyance, but consider that other player has build structure that dictates where doors are (at least thatā€™s how I do things) so it might not be easy to just move the doors. Maybe not the very best example, but I hope it illustrates my thinking :slight_smile:

Iā€™d take Willā€™s statement as a starting point. Now you need to define ā€œunderminingā€ and ā€œruiningā€ :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think the difference is a pattern of behavior. The lame and the beaconing of the red gleam. If it was just the lame or just the beaconing of the gleam then I guess you write it off. This individual is skirting the edge of what will keep them out of trouble but still cause unnecessary annoyance for the other players.


Yeah, so much to define :joy:

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omg this thread is hudge already
ā€¦ i wrote lame there as a message to him for taunting us with the raw red gleam he is blocking on vulpto. was soo not intended to describe your awsom event.
please forgive me :disappointed_relieved:


Lolā€¦are you kidding me??? :joy: That is hilarious!!! Iā€™m so happy it was you @Jeffrotheswell. Case closed. At least he built something that doesnā€™t look like garbage. Iā€™m totally ok with his taunting build. Let him taunt all he wants. Doesnt hurt me. :grin:


that is pretty lame! :persevere:


Hah, well that was unexpected :joy:


Poor @Jeffrotheswell, sitting there as we rant about something HE did!!! I literally laughed out loud for that one :rofl:. Heyā€¦somebody should build an identical red gleam structure on the other side of my walkway. Just to make it even :smirk:


i would if I had some raw red gleam :joy:
glad your not upset cook :smile_cat:
I am an imp but I try not to be mean


Oh @Jeffrotheswell, oh boy oh boy :stuck_out_tongue:


Iā€™m happy that everything turned out fine.

But I need to note here that my enjoying is massivly spoiled by the red gleam bs.
I wasted 6 hours yesterday searching vulpto for free red gleam. Nothing. I was so mad, i seriously thought about quitting.

It may be bad world design, but as long as its not hotfixed or patched it is how the world is now.
All the taunting and the way he named his beacons (Royal Gleam Protection?) show clearly that hes fully aware of this ā€œbad world designā€ and abusing it deliberately to ruin other players playing experience.
Sorry, but that is griefing in my eyes.