Who's Left?

Current estimate project that BG3 will be completed during the 4th quarter 2022, so somewhere around October to December of next year.

By that time I will have my City Complete Ready for Da Baby Cookie Hunts boop

I am still here. Not so much during the Summer but I will get back in to building real soon.


That would be me. I keep my house at Ancient Gate fueled but that’s pretty much the extent of my logging on :frowning:


more like genius… this song is a prophecy!
“don’t stand so close to me” foretells the coming of covid-19 and social distancing :face_with_hand_over_mouth:



10 Boops!

I’ve been around a bit lately, don’t have a whole lot of time with going to school and working but even just building in Boundless is always a great creative outlet for me

I’m still lurking but mostly not around, I keep my “grandest” build fueled at least. I did get all my expired beacons dumped into one now, and have minted tons of low level tools that I had a surplus of.

I’ve been thinking about going on a walkabout round the known worlds again, see what new things there are to get into. But mostly just testing waters with toes, at least until dev’s come back in force.

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I am very sad to announce Pathos is turning into Ash what a big Loss :sob:

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Lol, shuuure. I’ll play along! :shushing_face::wink:

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Plus updates, DLC, Enhanced Edition and then the next Larian project. Don’t forget, a lot of devs work directly for Larian. They would have to quit their jobs with an established, well-regarded company to come back and work for Turbulenz / Wonderstruck. I am not knocking them, but they only have one product and it is not doing very well. Our friend from Square Enix made that clear. People keep pushing this notion that all will be well when BG3 goes out of early access. I am not sure why.

To be clear, I am not quitting until it’s over. I wish that this game was getting the love it deserves. My wife and I just got three months of GC and re-fueled our sovereign (plus closing our creative though we did trade it for a new sovereign just for resources.) I have learned that it is best to be a realist while enjoying what we have.


I’m still lurking.

Real life has taken a major toll on my whole world, but I’m still maintaining my portals and figuring out where Boundless fits into my new situation.

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Right now it is? :cold_sweat::sob::sob:

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It is yes @DKPuncherello all the builds turned into ash sadly :sob:

Aw so sad :weary:

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I still lurk. After the game went live the grind became too overwhelming to do the tasks needed to engage in the activities I liked and just couldn’t commit to it anymore (i.e., you have to spend a week gathering mats to make the tools you need to go mining, since footfall couldn’t generate enough money to purchase the finished goods).

I miss the beta version, honestly, that was the greatest time in this game. The community was alive and everyone just seemed interested in moving in the same direction. I don’t think I’ll ever come back, but I’ll always have the awesome memories of the game that still give me goosebumps when thinking about them! Wish you all the best.


He is working on a new project :slightly_smiling_face:

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@kasaisaru Glad to hear that, you know Pathos was the first place i visited when i start the game see it go made me sad.

A new project? That’s a awesome news!
Thanks to let me know i appreciate.

I’m still here. I was starting to play a little bit after a break but I haven’t been playing as much as I thought I would be playing. This is still my favorite game of all time, I’m just not ready to become obsessed with it again yet. :sunglasses:


I never stopped just my time playing has been cutdown due to work and being up at 3:30am almost everyday.