Why I went inactive in-game

James is a big boy and can always message me if he wants to correct me on something I post. If they didn’t want reasons people were unhappy with the game, there wouldn’t be a thread specifically for it. While he may get frustrated, I think he is more than capable of handling this small group.


Personally, I would also like to see the game adjusted to a wider audience and I know that a potential skill rework is on the cards at some point (although I am hoping that goes deeper to include crafting recipes/times as well). I think that is the only way it will actually grow at the rate they need it to be sustainable.

At the moment it does cater more towards the hardcore player market - which unfortunately seems to be a pretty finite niche group. This means that the playerbase will not grow far beyond that group, which is really unfortunate. I would probably class myself as being part way in between casual and hardcore, with possibly more of a leaning towards the casual side. That said however, I often spend time just queuing up crafts and then logging off again, which unfortunately makes Boundless feel more like I’m playing a game on my phone at times. I want to be engaged in the activity I like to do in game… not spend 3-4 days preparing to do that activity. I have absolutely no problem with grinding to collect resources and actually quite enjoy zoning out to do that some days - but as I said… I’m borderline between casual and hardcore. Others that are more casual, just don’t have the time nor the inclination to do that and just won’t stick around. It’s not good for the longevity of the game overall.

You honestly don’t need to do that - nor should you. The developers have not asked anyone to do that for them (in fact us Leaders have been asked specifically not to do that on their behalf). They want to hear all feedback from players, whether good or bad, and the reasoning behind that feedback.

They are doing a fantastic job. All of them. Day-in-day out. However, they should be able to read feedback from players to find out what their dislikes are, without others discouraging that (which, in all honesty, I myself have been guilty of in the past - apologies for my past!).


We have interacted in the past while building. We have built some large builds together and help each other out with builds. So if we cannot get the colors to continue then what are we supposed to do? Find another game? Pull probably 10,000 + hours of effort out of the game? If all we are going to do is chat we can do that on discord. Hardly a need for a game at all then.

As far as just takes effort. . that is just minimizing what it would take. Two years to get the pigments (if they can be gotten at all) is not effort. It is just plain stupid.

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Haven’t really chimed in on the subject but reading, weighing everything, my own feeling is now, for the good of the game-

Go ahead and open up Sovereign world color selection to all 255. Allow the change still once a month. You still need to put the effort and tools/resources into gathering them and, if needed, processing them. There will still be some rarity on some as I don’t think TOO many people will be doing a lot of rentals. Rent one, that is just one color for each block you get. Finding out what is where, and meeting needs for colors people haven’t selected… a lot of possibilities for economic niches here. Even for things that are on permanent worlds, there is still an active market for many because of effort needed to collect.

Turn the rarity focus to new mats rather than colors. New gems and other mats. New recipes that require rarer mats. Maybe give exos more exclusive stuff. From what I’m seeing, the balance here now weighs to me heavily in favor of just opening it up - rather let the economy readjust (which it might do for the better!) than see us losing more players. I’d still find Gleambow enjoyable (could add some other rewards to it though) and also still go to exos (where I am more about mining anyways) even if technically every color might become available and accessible.


I have not been asked to not debate with personal opinions on developers decisions. I just argue in favor of the devs instead of against them


I think I may see the disconnect, here. You, stretch and I are planning and building projects in the 50+k plot range. Its a different type of grind and some things that work for others will never be viable for us.


I think you’re grossly over estimating the time scale but whatever :woman_shrugging: my point is that you can get what you want.

Have an awesome day :v:


No I am not. . I tried goo farming when it started. . so I am speaking from experience. getting a specific color is not as easy as some players assume.

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It may be the case that you agree with the implementation the developers have provided. Often on many occasions I agree with them as well. Other times I do not. This is why they ask for feedback from players in the first place - to find out what people like or dislike. It’s unnecessary to imply that the developers are unhappy reading a negative post or that anyone thinks they’re not doing a great job to bolster your view.


We have a goo farm, its going well, four days in we have managed to get most colours. 215% crop yield 75% seed.

Also re: sprays, try the one at lasaiana. Those guys have most If not all colours and for certain the colours you specifically named


I’m going to start this post with love. The game is amazing. I’ve more than got my money’s worth and have no regrets paying gleam club since the game released and will continue to. The devs are great and even with a small team have put together and continued to deliver a great game. But…

I don’t understand how people can’t understand what players are asking for. People don’t mind grinding for colors, and that’s actually what people want. We don’t want handouts. We don’t want a creative mode where we can just spawn X color. We don’t want this lackluster paint system filled with RNG that can’t even color every type of block because “realistically you can’t paint mud”. Yet we can warp to planets with a totem. This is a building game that will continue to be a building game until other content is introduced.

I find no joy in having 6 blocks of shadow green whatever to put on top of a building to gloat. Do we want rare items. Yes. Do colors have to be THE rare item? No. I honestly don’t care that you have 40 pure blue marble in your build. I will never look at a build and be amazed at just the “rarity” of your color. I am amazed at your designs, chiseling, how you use different styles of blocks to give a unique look, the scale of it, etc. The only thing color scarcity does is turn true builders off of the game. Less players=less worlds=less colors=less players=…


You’re right, sorry for stating my intent rather than just arguing my debate.

I’ll never understand the “bUt WhY dOn’T yOu WaNt ThInGs To Be ChAlLeNgInG” arguments in a casual, sandbox building/crafting game.

Like, we get it: you like the artificial feeling of having to work hard towards things in this game. Kudos to you. As for me, I just want to build and play the game…


Can’t get 100 chests worth of an exo wood or rock

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Thanks for the heads up - I saw you there right by one of the colours I need for my build.

Unfortunately I can’t afford to spend 12k coin to just colour 185 blocks. I need a whole load more than that - my game time is somewhat limited, so if there’s less time to play the parts of the game I do enjoy because I’m forced to play the parts of the game I don’t enjoy, just to be able to fork out potentially hundreds of thousands of coin for a colour I want to build with, there’s honestly little point me playing at all.


Was already in there getting my Viridian fix so thought I’d turn around and check for you.

Well, I’m trying to be practical, there are solutions. But for every solution people always seem to find 10 more problems and that is absolutely not the vibe I like to be around :woman_shrugging: so i’m done here.

Hope you all have a great day.


Maybe it is not mean to be so casual if people are complaining it being challenging :smiley:

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I do appreciate you trying checking for me. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s a sustainable solution for me to hinge attempting a mega-build on - I’d also be gutted if I got part way through the build and there was no longer any availability of the colours I need.


Yeah if we need 20,000 blocks in one color and maybe 100,000 in another, spending 1.3 million and 6.5 million on sprays is not practical by any means.