Why is Oortstone worth 30 coins more Per Piece now than normal high prices a few weeks ago?

I was thinking so many people home and probably hunting would make it DROP in value! Why is it RISING in value?

Hunting is absurdly boring and nobody wants to do it.


Because after 2 years people got sick of hunting, and people looking for pure profit found alternative (read: gleam door minting) ways of making quick coin.


I saw that ninja edit!

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Hunting is boring. I cannot wait until it’s worth 4 times more than it’s current price :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yea it’s been 280-300 for a few weeks now. Not as many hunts going on anymore and less people hunting. Also like @Vansten said the gleam minting likely didn’t help.

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This is the core issue. Im hurting for oort. Have shut down portals purely because i dont have the oort for it.
I COULD hunt once a week and have enough oort.
But it is SO boring. Not only is it a lagfest (fps and ping-wise), theres also no challenge and its always the same.

Im really hoping for a hunting overhaul, alternative ways to get oort, or possibly titans next :slight_smile:


@james We need a hunting overhaul. People are starting to get very bored of it


If they simply increased drop rates on hunts (a two second coding change), more people would hunt. But I’ve tried pushing that stopgap as well as providing lots of ideas for mobs. It’s just not a priority unfortunately.

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You’re kicking a dead horse, friend.


Sure am.



Maybe us hoarders make them think there is plenty

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I ride the edge with 3-4 weeks of oort supply.

Has anyone managed to mod anything into boundless creative mode yet that could possibly be implemented as a new hunting feature in the main game?

I know of another way to wake him, but I won’t post it here…


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This thread was created 37 minutes ago. Not a necropost!

Haha no I was saying if we resurrect all the “please update hunting” threads maybe it will save Mr. Ed

Wasn’t calling u out lunai

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Somehow I just knew OP would get deeply confused by this. Somehow… :roll_eyes:

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Hunting become boring after doing them for some time and when you need to oort for the portals, (it can be fun when you hunt for the fun of it, not because you need the oort) so some people only hunt when they need the Oort and others have oort for years so they don’t hunt, but also because of competition, big guilds want oort so they increase price so people go to sell there oort to them, over time increasing the price. Great for those selling but not for those buying, especially for small guilds.

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