@ZeusXVII start here.

One thing I realized though - it may be better to just have a “timber” page, and then a separate section on it for ancient timber, twisted timber, and any future wood types without having too many pages just for wood. Mainly since any type of timber seems to fit crafting requirements.

*** one thing that would be amazing from devs though is if you ever wanted to upload some of the icons… since I am guessing you have a pile of .pngs somewhere!

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@Apocalyptica Oh yeah I agree with you about the one page for wood. I just thing within that page we can add some depth to each type. Thanks for the link, I was looking through some of the old post. I just didn’t know if the Dev’s had like a running end-all-be-all current item guide with details.


Taking a look back through your excel list, have you documented any other information? If not I thought we could traverse some worlds together and write down the details. Maybe teleport to each capital and make progress.

We could make a page (thinking only one but can do multiple, maybe individual pages or regional pages) for the worlds and give the basic details like you had on your sheet. Example could be Ruchs: Activity- Extremely High, Active Player - Grey, Jen, etc. Types of Blocks found naturally?

I think a page for worlds would be useful - with listed worlds having a brief description, a good screenshot (focused on the landscape - not builds!), block colors listed, and any world-specific materials.

As far as listing active players - I’d just leave that out and focus on information regarding the game… not the players. I know personally I would never want any information posted regarding what worlds I tend to inhabit.
Others may disagree, but adding it in would result in very lengthy lists at some point.


Every unique block type should get its own page. Ancient Timber isn’t that much different from Twisted Timber now, but it certainly could be in the future. This will allow for better linking in the future too; e.g. some recipe uses Ancient Timber but not Twisted, etc.

I think each world should get it’s own page, and I think we should try to get screenshots of the cool builds so each world page can have a little gallery.

It would also be cool to have a general world screenshot at the top of each world page, with no builds, just to get a feel of that world’s color scheme and terrain type.

As for player activity, agreed with Apoc, let’s leave that off for now.

Feel free to check out my spreadsheet for other things.

Also, we found ruby and iron blocks on Ruchs (texture “missing”)…we’ll want to make sure these more rare block types get in the wiki at some point!

Good point, I wasn’t thinking far enough ahead on that one. Although I still think there should be a main page for general timber/wood with subsections for each type as well, which would also help navigating between pages for different wood types.

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Ah, like a general “Wood” page, good thinking. Yes. Let’s do it!

@ben Am I able to have access or at least temporary assess to edit the ‘All Pages’ page. I would like to separate the items based on categories so it is much smoother to navigate. As Saint_X posted in his info-box version, my goal would be section headings with the list underneath.

[Shovel] [Pickaxe] ext. with internal links.


If you’re looking for assets from the game, have a rummage in:

OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/STEAMUSERID/324510/local/static-cache/
Win: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\STEAMUSERID\324510\local\static-cache

this looks like character textures… what are you not TELLI:NG US!@!@!@!@


A warthog?

WHAT ARE THEY HIDING. Time to find le Titan! @ben @james This pig looks Bootiful

You already know the answer - placeholder. :put_litter_in_its_place:

i search atm how i can edit the left navigation page and how i can edit the category`s but i dont found it till yet ^^ but i still search

@Saint_X I was hunting as well. I think right now there are a few ‘special’ uneditable pages. The All Pages for example can’t be edited either. Let me know if you find out how.

Hope you guys don’t mind

New Gleam Page O v O !!

Also, what’s the ‘Special’ in the infobox for?

i can help with the wiki just send me a message

@raquielt Looks good! Images are really the missing link on the wiki pages right now. If you have more go crazy.

@MrMicroSpy Right now there is not a lot to add to the wiki in the sense of new pages. However if you want to look through some of the common items like stone, flowers, ice and see if there is more detail to add that would be awesome. There are about four of us making small changes here and there.

Now this is not to say I am the spokesmen for the wiki, its just nice to start building the depth of this page now before we are too busy else where in the future.