Will Boundless come to Google stadia?

Hehe thats me :slight_smile: still stuck with aenea on trung now :roll_eyes:


Maybe. But you would think that they would have never been forced out of ea too. But here we are.

Good^^ someone has to take care of Aenea ; P


well thanks! :smiley:

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Soon we play a year :grinning:

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If this means that updates and content will be even slower because now the devs have to code for another platform and have to limit the games potential and/or control layout so it will function on all the platforms, then I rather not see the game put on to anything else. Sony is already doing enough damage in this regards as far as I am concerned.

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I would like to see boundless be added to stadia as it’s already great support already for console. An it would be amazing to play boundless anywhere when stadia goes full mobile. If it gets on stadia now I would have some free PR as the platform has few games on it. It would be the only block building game on the platform.

I think staidia is the future and probably going to replace many gaming computers when it gets support for mice and keyboard. It cheaper then a regular computer and consoles.

I think staidia is the future and probably going to replace many gaming computers when it gets support for mice and keyboard. It cheaper then a regular computer and consoles.

i think not :slight_smile:
1.Stadia will be accessible only in 13 european countries,
2. it requires internet transfer that so far fullfilling only 3 eu countries? in that 2 that dont get access to stadia
3.its even worse in NA with their transfer limits


Well, that’s the limitations of today that does not mean the platform will expand and improve. If you live outside of cities and have no fiber yeah then it’s not for you but in Sweden we have good enough coverage of 4g with the speed that would work to play almost anywhere. and with the upgrade to 5g there are no problems the latency and speeds. I mean I’m gaming, streaming movies on the mobile net every day now because it’s just as good and unlimited bandwidth. the only thing i cant do right now stream games to youtube and so on. and I live in a small village in nowhere in sweden. Stadia would sovle my problem to be able to stream games to youtube.

I think cloud services will take over the question is just when and who will do it.

Will the stadia allow steam games? If so then you’ll be able to play boundless. If not who knows. Have to remember they have contracts and we do not know the specifics of those. Nor do I think they would ever tell us the details of them.

I’d prefer it if the small team would concentrate on getting out more content and QoL changes for the platforms that are already out before spending lots of time adding anohter platform.

Just like all the other streaming services basically?

There is a streaming service already that has Boundless working perfectly. Geforce Now. If you buy the cheap Nvidia Shield you do not need a computer either AND it has mouse and keyboard support as well as controller support. Since it supports streaming Steam games (and some of the other gaming service from game publishers themselves like the one from Ubisoft, etc.) any type of controller is supported, even Xbox and PlayStation ones…

Besides, what about MS’s xCloud? Sony’s PlayStation Now? Both do not need a regular computer to work, PS Now might have Boundless already, if not they at least can simply add it with no costs to the devs, same goes for xCloud…

Or Shadow? A French game streaming service which actually gives you access to a complete Win10 environment so you can run any game you want remotely. They even have a dedicated device as well for it, again, cheaper than a regular computer.

Sadly that one is not available everywhere yet (oddly enough not in the Netherlands yet)

So, since there are already 4 game streaming services right now available that either have the game already or could run the game without any additional developer time I really do not see the point in Wonderstruck wasting time on a 5th…

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many of them may work in some countries but the coverage is even worse then google stadia is now on launch. also ther is a limitation on how far you are from the server station, in many of the cloud gaming. there is a problem with all the other Cloud gaming is they are so limited what system you can run it on. so far you need a expensive second device or a computer to play them. its not like you can raun them on your phone.

PS4 games can actually be done on the phone. I don’t know the specifics of how to do it. But my coworker was telling me about his son doing it and how he thought it was crazy to be playing the games on such a small screen lol

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Well thats where Boundles already has the suport with Gui scaling and it works ive tested it thru the steam link app but it only worked for me in my wifi and steam has terible compression.

PS4 games dont suport boundless in clud gaming


If you’re looking at ps4 now that’s different than what I’m talking about doing.

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Highly doubtful.

MS has Azure servers in as many countries as Google has, also PlayStation Now is going or are already using Azure servers as well. Geforce Now has quite good coverage and have not any issues with it when I used it for a few months earlier in the year.

As for needing an expensive device or a computer to play them, well, for Stadia you need an expensive existing device, a Google phone or some Chromebooks that will support it in the future, with Geforce Now there’s the Shield, costs around 150-200 euro/dollar depending on model, same goes for the Shadow I believe.

PlayStation Now works on desktop computers, any Android device (including tablets which Stadia does NOT support) any Apple device and of course on PlayStations…

Well, hehe, you can run xCloud on your phone and you can run PS Now on your phone.

Perhaps spend some time looking into the alternatives?

Of all the existing streaming services PS Now is one that already exists for a while now and works quite well…

Okay, sure, not ALL games are available on PlayStation Now, but they (Sony) only have to add it to make it work, nothing more, nothing less, no coding has to be done by Wonderstruck for it to work.

Google Stadia is a totally different hardware platform to target your game for which means it’s going to take quite some time to get it running.

Geforce Now runs any Steam game, including Boundless, believe me, I used that for days when I was away from home.

Shadow gives you a complete Win10 installation and thus can stream it.

xCloud is Win10 based, am sure they (MS) can easily add it there as well without any coding needed.

Shadow is awesome! I can play boundless on my phone :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

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I either use steam link or play galaxy link both support for mobile streaming just hook up a controller and sorted. lovely too!

No offense, but I still can not figure out what evidence you have that adding content is going to impact the size of the player base in any significant way. As a player who loves Boundless, sure I want new content! But as I have stated numerous times, the data shows that over the past year {{{{while new content has been added}}} that Boundless has lost a significant amount of its PC player base.

All I care about is data. And the data has been very clear.

I am all for adding new platforms and increasing the player pool to draw from