[Winner announced] What would you do with 5 million coin?

I could run a few building competitions! thats something I always thought would be alot of fun to do plus would be a way to put the coins Right back into the Community


I’d probably give away 5 million coin


I could do with 5mil to help new players and to fund the settlement also mainly to buy oort due to the fact I moved in real and dont have the time to maintain the settlement fully so it feels like a punishment to me also for them the 5mil will let me sleep better and gives me time to work on the home in peace and enables me to worry less and making sure the members are happy!

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@Jaidic said it first but that is what I would have done . Support the portal networks .

Other that I would use it to buy stuff for New player care packages .


I would Dominate the forged goods market. You probably dont want to hear that tho…

I would go shopping, and post request baskets for as many hopper eyes, spitter eyes, trophies, Beans, Gems, etc, as I could get my hands on. Then I would mass produce hundreds of forged goods of every type I can think of. My 50+ shop stands with forged goods would have 15-20 tools/gear each.

Q-Mart would become a household name. And everybody would know they can get what they need here. And I would keep putting the coin back into the economy, back into rotation.

OR Plan B:

I would establish a planetary Government.
I would design a hub to draw all players from a single planet to a central location where they can find a myriad of kiosks meant to inform and instruct new players how to navigate, and succeed in Boundless. With a network of planetary farms, request baskets, shop stands, and guides, A new player can find help and advice as well as methods to gain experience and coin. 5mil would fund the oort and request baskets.


I’d start "Let’s rebuild Munteen VI together" foundation


Just spend it at different shops so not just one person benefits. Well I do that already…but more money, more shopping

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Ok so, :thinking:. Because you made way more off of me? :joy: :hugs:

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I would build a bigger base then what I’m currently building. Since I’m strapped for coin can only build so much. And probaly put up more request baskets in my shop. And buy more tools since all were lost.

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But 5mil is too much

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Or, let’s build dragons watch again!

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Buy more grapples to throw at people and run away lol


Nah, this game needs a forger to replace me after I’m gone.

There is a reason I am giving away coin tho…

And heck no, it has nothing to do with the game, I will keep playing until my final breath, which incidentally ties into the reason and all that…


I would put it all into community projects to help noobs. You know a little about my current secret project :blush:

Also I nominate TNT. They are too nice to ask. But believe it or not they are actually quite poor (you probably know this Aenea but most don’t). And they do SO much for the community. I couldn’t really think of a more deserving crew.


I would give every new player I meet 150k coin until I gave away all 5 mil, I know there are people that can make alts but would try my best not to get swindled lol


Is it bad that I’d keep it all to myself🤔


Not at all if you spend it wisely. Everyone has a point of view and different way of spending.


Tallow lots of tallow.


For eating? It makes u fat tho…


But regular :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::poop: