WIP: Index of 🍇 Food & 🍷 Brew Buffs

To make shielding pies I used 4 amalagams per pie.

You place the amalgam and the food inside the furnace and cook it


@Prome3us @Jiivita

The brew stats seem out of date? I drank Minor Instant Healing Brew and got 750 HP recovered.

Improved Healing Brew netted me 20 HP per second (or 100 per 5 secs). Which is a total healing of 1200 HP for 60 seconds.

Check the OP date, yes it is out of date. Thank you for starting collection on newer information.

After a certain age, posts become un-editable :cry:

Thanks to @Jiivita for the original post (images, formatting etc…) and to anyone who contributed to that thread in any way. All the data in this new one should be updated for the current release I hope!
If you are able to add anything to this, or know how the atmosphere stuff works (see below by the atmosphere foods), or if anything here seems wrong then please say :grinning:

^I was gonna make this into another thread due to the original post being un-editable… opinions?
This should be up to date now anyways…

Without further ado:

Brews Brew Small

One time use items that applies either an instant effect or a short-term buff (usually lasting 1 to 2 minutes)

Instant Healing Brew

Name Says It All - instantly restores health upon drinking

Shown Healing = Healing_Effect * Intelligence_Bonus + Healing_Effect

so these values need retesting

Quality HP
Minor 750
Improved 1500
Greater 3000
Super 6000
Mega 12000

Healing Brew icon_se_heal

Restores an amount of health every five seconds

Shown Healing = ( Healing_Effect + Base_Health/5secs ) * Intelligence_Bonus + Healing_Effect

Quality HP / second (right?) Seconds Total Healing
Minor 10 60 600
Improved 20 60 1200
Greater 40 60 2400
Super 80 60 4800
Mega 160 60 9600

Instant Recovery Brew

Quality Energy
Minor 600
Improved 1200
Greater 2400
Super 4800
Mega 9600

Recovery Brew icon_se_recover

Restores energy / stamina over a period of time

| Quality | Energy/Sec | Duration (seconds) | Total Energy |
| Minor | 20 | 60 | 1,200
| Improved | 40 | 60 | 2,400
| Greater | 80 | 60 | 4,800
| Super | 240 | 60 | 14,400
| Mega | 600 | 60 | 36,000

Fast Brew icon_se_fast

increases movement and action speed for two minutes (120 seconds)
(should include all actions: bows; tools; placing blocks - but needs testing)

  • Results vary depending on your “Agility” (movement speed) and “Dexterity” (action speed)
  • Action speed seems to have a maximum value of 60%

Final Speed = base speed + potion effect

Quality Run Speed Sprint Speed Action Speed Modifier Duration (Minutes)
Minor +0.5m/s +0.5m/s +20% 2
Improved +0.75m/s +0.75m/s +40% 2
Greater +1m/s +1m/s +60% 2
Super +1.5m/s +1.5m/s +80% 2
Mega +2m/s +2m/s +100% 2

Strength Brew icon_se_strong

Increases damage modifier by X% for 2 minutes (120 seconds) (tools and weapons do more damage)

Quality Damage Modifier Duration (Minutes)
Minor +10% 2
Improved +20% 2
Greater +30% 2
Super +40% 2
Mega +50% 2

Innocuous Brew icon_se_innocuous

“Reduces the range at which creatures will attack the drinker”

Quality Stealth Modifier Duration (Minutes)
Minor +20% 2
Greater +40% 2
Mega +70% 2

Not sure how these affect the actual range, but these are the values

Cleansing Brew

Reduces the duration of any debuffs you have by a certain number of seconds

Quality Duration reduced by (seconds)
Minor 500
Improved 1000
Greater 1500
Super 2000
Mega 2500

Revival Brew icon_se_resurrection

Gives the player the resurrection level 1 status effect. If the player dies within the 10 minutes he or she can perform a level 1 revive on themselves

Luminous Brew icon_se_luminous

Applies “Light Source” effect for the duration
(lights the area around the player - Range and intensity depends on quality)

Quality Light Source Intensity Light Source Radius Duration (Minutes)
Minor 1 6m 2
Greater 1.8 9m 2
Mega 2.4 12m 2

Calming Brew icon_se_calming

Reduces the player’s threat by a certain amount instantly

Quality Threat removed
Mega 10000

Aggravating Brew icon_se_antagonize

Increases the player’s threat by a certain amount instantly

Quality Threat added
Mega 10000

Rage Brew icon_se_rage

Triggers the effect(s) of the rage skills (strength of effects depends on number of rage stacks & rage skills)

Focus Brew icon_se_focus

Triggers the effect(s) of focus skills (strength of effects depends on number of focus stacks & focus skills)

Foods Food Small

One time use items that restores maximum energy
(removes the effects of hunger) - higher-quality foods apply “longer-term” buffs (10 - 40 minutes)

Full Up

This buff is applied when Hunger is less that 10% (Energy Penalty) and provides 4 HP every 5 seconds

Basic Foods (No Buffs):

Name Energy (Raw) Energy (Cooked)
Edible Lamella 50 -
Starberry 100 200
Glossy Starberry 150 300
Juicy Starberry 150 300
Earthyam 50 250
Waxy Earthyam 50 350
Exotic Earthyam 50 350
Meat 100 (Sick 40secs) 400
Lean Meat 150 (Sick 40secs) 500
Prime Meat 150 (Sick 40secs) 500

Misc Raw Foods:

Name Energy
Raw Starberry Porridge 200 (Sick 40 seconds)
Raw Starberry Bread 300 (Sick 40 seconds)
Raw Starberry Pie 400 (Sick 40 seconds)
- -
Raw Earthyam Risotto 200 (Sick 40 seconds)
Raw Earthyam Loaf 300 (Sick 40 seconds)
Raw Earthyam Pie 400 (Sick 40 seconds)
- -
Raw Meaty Risotto 200 (Sick 40 seconds)
Raw Meatloaf 300 (Sick 40 seconds)
Raw Earthyam Pie 400 (Sick 40 seconds)

Sick Debuff applies 5 damage per 5 seconds for 40 seconds
It also removes all other health regeneration

Well fed buff icon_se_well_fed

Prevents your character from becoming hungry for the duration
(prevents the energy bar from degrading)

Buff Name: WELL FED
| Name | Energy | Buff Rank | Duration (Minutes) |
| Starberry Soup | 600 | 1 | 10
| Stewed Starberry | 800 | 2 | 20
| Starberry Porridge | 1200 | 3 | 30
| Starberry Bread | 1600 | 4 | 40
| Starberry Pie | 2000 | 5 | 60
| - | - | - |
| Earthyam Soup | 750 | 1 | 10
| Earthyam Stew | 1000 | 2 | 20
| Earthyam Risotto | 1500 | 3 | 30
| Earthyam Loaf | 2000 | 4 | 40
| Earthyam Pie | 2500 | 5 | 60
| - | - | - |
| Meaty Broth | 1200 | 1 | 10
| Meaty Casserole | 1600 | 2 | 20
| Meaty Risotto | 2400 | 3 | 30
| Meatloaf | 3200 | 4 | 40
| Meat Pie | 4000 | 5 | 60

Invigorating icon_se_invigorate

Increases maximum HP by a certain percentage, depending on the food type


Name Energy Buff Rank Health Duration (Minutes)
Invigorating Soup 900 1 +20% 30
Invigorating Stew 1200 2 +40% 30
Invigorating Porridge 1800 3 +60% 30
Invigorating Bread 2400 4 +80% 30
Invigorating Pie 3000 5 +100% 30

Energising icon_se_energise

Increases max energy by X percent (X depends on quality)


Name Energy Buff Rank Max Energy Duration
Energising Soup 1000 1 +20% 30
Energising Stew 1400 2 +40% 30
Energising Risotto 2100 3 +60% 30
Energising Loaf 2800 4 +80% 30
Energising Pie 3500 5 +100% 30

Floating icon_se_light

Increases jump height and provides an amount of Falling Armor & Falling Reduction (Reduction not fully understood)

Buff Name: LIGHT
| Name | Energy | Buff Rank | Jump Height | Double Jump | Falling Armour | Falling Reduction (Resistance?) | Duration (minutes) |
| Floating Broth | 900 | 1 | +0.5m | +0.1m | +50 | +0.1/10%? | 30
| Floating Stew | 1200 | 2 | +0.8m | +0.2m | +75 | +0.2/20%? | 30
| Floating Porridge | 1800 | 3 | +1.1m | +0.3m | +100 | +0.3/30%? | 30
| Floating Bread | 2400 | 4 | +1.5m | +0.4m | +150 | +0.4/40%? | 30
| Floating Pie | 3000 | 5 | +2m | +0.5m | +200 | +0.5/50%? | 30

Teaching icon_se_fast_learner

increases all experience earned by X percent (X depends on quality)


Name Energy Buff Rank XP Modifier Duration (minutes)
Teaching Porridge 1000 1 +10% 30
Teaching Pudding 1500 2 +20% 30
Teaching Bread 2000 3 +50% 30
Teaching Pie 2500 4 +100% 30

Criticaling icon_se_critical_chance

Increases critical strike chance for the duration


Name Energy Buff Rank Buff Power Duration
Criticaling Soup 1500 1 20% 30
Criticaling Casserole 2000 2 40% 30
Criticaling Risotto 3000 3 60% 30
Criticaling Loaf 4000 4 80% 30
Criticaling Pie 5000 5 100% 30

Persisting icon_se_light_touch

Reduces wear on tools by X percent


Name Energy Buff Rank Durability Drain Duration (minutes)
Persisting Soup 1000 1 -5% 30
Persisting Stew 1400 2 -10% 30
Persisting Risotto 2100 3 -15% 30
Persisting Loaf 2800 4 -30% 30
Persisting Pie 3500 5 -40% 30

Shielding image ?

Increases the players: Kinetic Armour; Kinetic Resistance %; Impulse Armour; Impulse Resistance % by X
(X depends on quality)

Kinetic describes all damage that is single target (Spitter shots, Wildstock, Cuttletunk projectiles (including homing))

Impulse describes all damage that is multi-target (AoE) (Bombs, Death Rays, Hoppers)

Armour is a flat reduction of damage (100 damage -10 armour = 90 sustained damage)

Resistance is a chance to avoid all damage (50% kinetic resistance allows the player to take 0 damage from kinetic attacks 50% of the time)


Name Energy Buff Rank Armour (Kinetic and Impulse) Resistance (Kinetic and Impulse) Duration (Minutes)
Shielding Broth 1500 1 10 5% 30
Shielding Casserole 2000 2 20 10% 30
Shielding Risotto 3000 3 40 15% 30
Shielding Loaf 4000 4 70 20% 30
Shielding Pie 5000 5 100 25% 30

Burn Shielding icon_se_shield_burn

increases resistance to burn effects
(Scar - applied by elemental creatures on Burn worlds - Reduces maximum HP)


Name Energy Buff Rank Armour Resistance Duration (Minutes)
Burn Shielding Broth 1500 1 10 5% 30
Burn Shielding Casserole 2000 2 20 10% 30
Burn Shielding Risotto 3000 3 40 15% 30
Burn Shielding Loaf 4000 4 70 20% 30
Burn Shielding Pie 5000 5 100 25% 30

Chill Shielding icon_se_shield_chill

Increases resistance to chill effects
(Chill - applied by elemental creatures on Chill worlds - slows actions?)


Name Energy Buff Rank Armour Resistance Duration (Minutes)
Chill Shielding Broth 1500 1 10 5% 30
Chill Shielding Casserole 2000 2 20 10% 30
Chill Shielding Risotto 3000 3 40 15% 30
Chill Shielding Loaf 4000 4 70 20% 30
Chill Shielding Pie 5000 5 100 25% 30

Toxin Shielding icon_se_shield_toxin

Increases resistance to toxic effects
(toxin - applied by elemental creatures on Toxic worlds- damage over time)


Name Energy Buff Rank Armour Resistance Duration (Minutes)
Toxin Shielding Broth 1500 1 10 5% 30
Toxin Shielding Casserole 2000 2 20 10% 30
Toxin Shielding Risotto 3000 3 40 15% 30
Toxin Shielding Loaf 4000 4 70 20% 30
Toxin Shielding Pie 5000 5 100 25% 30

Corrosion Shielding icon_se_shield_corrosion

Increases resistance to corrosion effects
(corrosion - applied by elemental creatures on Corrosive worlds - reduces defenses)


Name Energy Buff Rank Armour Resistance Duration (Minutes)
Corrosion Shielding Broth 1500 1 10 5% 30
Corrosion Shielding Casserole 2000 2 20 10% 30
Corrosion Shielding Risotto 3000 3 40 15% 30
Corrosion Shielding Loaf 4000 4 70 20% 30
Corrosion Shielding Pie 5000 5 100 25% 30

Blast Shielding icon_se_shield_blast

Increases resistance to blast effects
(Blast? - Applied by elemental creatures on Blast worlds- dramatically reduces action and movement speed)


Name Energy Buff Rank Armour Resistance Duration (Minutes)
Blast Shielding Broth 1500 1 10 5% 30
Blast Shielding Casserole 2000 2 20 10% 30
Blast Shielding Risotto 3000 3 40 15% 30
Blast Shielding Loaf 4000 4 70 20% 30
Blast Shielding Pie 5000 5 100 25% 30

Shock Shielding icon_se_shield_shock

Increases resistance to shock effects
(shock? - Applied by elemental creatures on Shock worlds - Effect needs testing)


Name Energy Buff Rank Armour Resistance Duration (Minutes)
Shock Shielding Broth 1500 1 10 5% 30
Shock Shielding Casserole 2000 2 20 10% 30
Shock Shielding Risotto 3000 3 40 15% 30
Shock Shielding Loaf 4000 4 70 20% 30
Shock Shielding Pie 5000 5 100 25% 30

Im not sure how atmosphere protection skills work at current… if someone can explain it then please go ahead

What I do know is that the atmosphere level can go up to level 10, and your atmosphere protection can too, so I guess if your protection level is greater than or equal to the atmosphere level, you are invulnerable, and otherwise you suffocate more slowly as your protection increases?

Volatile Atmosphere Protection icon_se_protection_volatile

Protection from Volatile Atmospheres (Burn and Blast planets)
| Name | Energy | Buff Rank | Atmosphere Protection | Duration |
| Volatile Protecting Chilli | 1500 |1 | +1 |30
| Volatile Protecting Biryani | 2500 | 2 | +2 |30
| Volatile Protecting Pie | 5000| 3 | +3 |30

Potent Atmosphere Protection icon_se_protection_potent

Protection from Potent Atmospheres (Chill and Shock planets)


Name Energy Buff Rank Atmosphere Protection Duration
Potent Protecting Chilli 1500 1 +1 30
Potent Protecting Biryani 2500 2 +2 30
Potent Protecting Pie 5000 3 +3 30

Caustic Atmosphere Protection icon_se_protection_caustic

Protection from Caustic Atmospheres (Corrosive and Toxic planets)


Name Energy Buff Rank Atmosphere Protection Duration
Caustic Protecting Chilli 1500 1 +1 30
Caustic Protecting Biryani 2500 2 +2 30
Caustic Protecting Pie 5000 3 +3 30
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I’d recommend new thread to minimize confusion and scrolling. Thanks Will!

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Thought so, ill get on that