World and Biomes - Update 0

Hello guys once again!

This week a have a variety of things to show you all. First off I want to show a few more biomes. This week I have been working on biomes that are slightly bizarre be still not super crazy alien worlds. Here are a few of my favourites:

CastleMountains (has valleys within the mountain, creating protective walls):

TieredRainfores ( designed for cool city building):

If you did not know, we have released pre-fabs to steam! You can now create custom decorations for your biomes! Just as we would love for you to send us your biomes, we would also very much appreciate any of your custom pre-fabs. You can email the files to:

Here are a few examples I messed with yesterday:

Here is what the prefabs look like in game:

Thanks for stopping by!


Excellent! This is going to be one prefab-ulous weekend :smiley:


Pretty cool!

Just wonder if it would look better it the trunks at the leaves on top of the tree would look better if sidewards. So it does not look like cutted trunks.

Awesome love the biomes