World Builder: Preview worlds in-game

Good recovery :wink:

And we fell for it …hook, line, and sinker


Took late to take it back now, at least we didn’t leak the Titan.


This is a trap sentence if i ever heard one XD


Like this I guess

BREAKING NEWS: @BEN leaks Titan and Hookshot in same day!


Like that or maybe a scorpion ‘‘GET OVER HERE’’

@Havok40k as i said, its a trap sentence. very likely something to throw people off. quite clever actually, since he didnt promise or even say that it is coming but rather hint it in a way that people assume, it works.

EDIT: nvm

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Please,I wish.:laughing:

It took everything for me not to leak that.


I wonder how titan fights will work without proper weapons… he did talk about a weakspot system before so maybe, i dunno. never the less. cool update :smile:


I think we’re all so hungry to see what they’ve been cooking up, we might collectively faint when it is all finally revealed. hyperventilation.


Any idea when this feature might be available for use to test out?

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World Builder -> Game visualisation will be in the next update. Which we’re trying to wrap up now. But it’ll not be in the coming week.


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Hey @lucadeltodecso… I’m trying to check out world builder visualizations but Steam won’t let me run another instance of the game to do so. What am I doing wrong?

As a workaround, you can probably open the program directly (poke around the SteamApps dir under wherever you have Steam installed)

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Tried, but when I run oortonline.exe directly (as admin) I get a steam error:

Will continue poking.

It’s as nevir suggests, this is a limitation to how the app is currently set up in Steam (world builder is an alternative mode of playing the game, rather than an independent application, so steam doesn’t let both of them run).

Run oort-online from steam, and run the world-builder from the file-system directly.

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Gotcha, will try. Thanks!

Got it, thanks. LOL, love the flying animation.

EDIT: I guess that’s the swimming anim. Nice.