You’ve asked for more videos with us, so we’re going to be doing a video Q&A Please submit questions as comments and we’ll try to respond in video form with as much detail as possible.
Try to keep your questions succinct as we’ll have to read them out first. We’ll try to only answer or provide details on things that haven’t been covered on here or on, so check here to make sure your question hasn’t already been answered.
Try to avoid questions that make assumptions outside of the current scope of the game (there won’t be any crafting professions, plan is everyone can craft everything).
We try to answer every question on here and we’ve got a whole website that explains the entirety of what Oort Online will be, I’d hardly describe that as secretive
Progression and what defines a character in general is very important for a lot of people, i know you guys know what you are doing, it just comes as a bit of a bummer that you havent planned crafting professions.
To me its important to be able to define yourself, are you a crafter or a fighter, and what are gonna be the difference on one crafter and another or one fighter and another, those things.