World builder, why?

So, with the current setup of the game, what is the purpose of the world builder? What is it for, are we able to build something and play on a dedicated server somehow?

I am lost and confused about its intended purpose and application for us at this point in time.

with it you are able to build you own worlds that can be published when the game goes lives, and to create your own world for private servers.

We can make prefabs and nodes for developer’s node library. All that stuff will be added to new worlds if workmanship will allow that.


The world builder serves two purposes:

  • A fun tool to play around with.
  • A means to which you can get your own content into the game.

If you send us biome or prefab config files, they have the chance to be put into the game depending on quality.
If you want to submit something you can send me a message.
You will not be able to run a private server with a world you have created in the world builder at release.
This is something we would like to add in the future after we release.


Is there a way for me to get this still?

Check steam if you are PC, you might be able to upgrade.

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I am ps4. But I’m thinking about getting the pc version too. If it can run it. Lol.

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I checked on Steam, I don’t see anything that indicates you’ll get access to World Builder. I believe that it is an early backer perk.

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I think the deluxe version has access to it. Not sure, I can’t test that claim as I am an early backer.

Yeah I didn’t even know about this game till my buddy told me about in on PS4. I’m not much of a pc gamer. I only use it now for graphic design stuff. And the occasional noodling around on 3D modelling programs.

Yep, this here too… getting close to biting on a laptop, nothing fancy but something I can use so I can play some Steam games - especially Boundless, I’d get to play a lot more with one! But also, tools like this sound really neat, so if I do get one, I’d happily pay for whatever required to get this.

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I am sorry!
They changed the Deluxe Edition to something new i havent checked as i thought what @Havok40k was true.
The world builder is NOT in the Deluxe Edition.


eek that would scare me to play this on a laptop. my 2080 already heats my office when I play this. a laptop would melt xD unless the graphics are really low. You might be able to build a nicer desktop for the same price.

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600 dollar gaming desktop is about as good as a 1400 laptop. I also created a setup so my desktop has a laptop form factor!

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Can you play solo on world builder worlds?

here, watch this video. this guy is good and shows you how to get a budget build going.

$900 custom gaming pc

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No its only a planet builders, you can’t even test it.

I think the last time I saw you mention a pc I had the suggestion of a solid budget build pc as they are significantly cheaper than laptops. I think you mentioned you needed it for possibly other reasons also which made a PC pointless.

However, if you do change your mind I would wager there are many of us here who have collectively built hundreds of PCs for ourselves or loved ones or friends family who isn’t really loved but you do what ya gotta do​:joy::joy::sob:

If that happens pls make a post and reach out and I’m sure one of many of us will help walk you through the product purchase process as well as putting it together. If you’ve messed with LEGO’s, you can build a PC is what I always say. For Xmas this year we’re giving our girls each an 800$ budget and they’re going to part shop and have them delivered for Xmas and we will put the builds together over the holiday break. I’m excited :blush:


I’m glad to live in a town with Micro Center 2 miles away lol. I build a new pc every year. This year I built two. One for my office and one for media on my tv. I can’t imagine every using a ps4 or any of that for gaming.


I got old, and PS4 in my nice comfy couch became life. It’s that simple :joy::joy: