Would you rent a planet if you couldn't

and no footfall on rental worlds!

…that’s right…ya heard what I said…:smirk:


Its a speculation thread. Please don’t start anything in here. Everything in here is more or less opinions and wishes.


I’ll second you there. I only plan on having one portal location in for my planet and don’t want to see the “p2w” footfall arguement lol.

Why no footfall? I feel like that seriously limits the ability to build self-sustaining cities/hubs/malls on private worlds. I don’t see the downside to allowing footfall the same as anywhere else.

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Id strongly consider renting a planet if i had the option of making it a pvp planet.


So, I assume the topic question was aimed at universe-connected private/rented worlds, and not independent worlds disconnected from the Boundless universe. The latter type is for creative mode and rules there can be completely different.
And here’s James’s description of how they will work (in general). Following that, my answer to the color scheme question is “YES”, as (in my opinion) control over rented worlds colors equals unfair power in hands of players paying for the worlds.


Lol… I read that as ‘No Football’ and simultaneously though “Sweet, I hate football anyway” and “Wait what… we’re getting football now?”


in a situation where rental planets are worth investing in ( custom colors, better plotting)
making a great city will be way too easy, and you’ll have a massive ff advantage if you pick all the popular colors. I think of rental planets as summer homes : exactly as you want them, but not in the middle of all the action (so the hubs and malls stay on Live)


March 2015 and doesn’t explicitly mention color, but still useful info as far as Divijamesion (the ancient art of divining what James will do based on ancient posts, which appears to be our number one hobby)


Gotcha. I agree, if rental worlds get any colors that aren’t in the base universe, no footfall.

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Yes, that’s why I say it’s my opinion; and that’s why it makes sense to ask questions like in this topic, because the general rule that rented worlds follow universe rules still leave room for interpretation.
Certain areas of world renting wouldn’t create Pay To Win situation if in players’ control (like type of biomes) as much as others (like free choice of block colors or resources available).

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If rental planets get anything at all that isnt in the base universe, all hell will break lose. If you thought 2020 was rough so far, wait til someone gets a slightly different shade of brown to someone else!

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THIS - And led towers

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Would you be ok with new colors if the tradeoff was people were free to visit and gather, but still required perms to build?

Thats what I want for my planets. To give more colors, but control who can be my neighbors.

  1. In some way, if not all the way. (Maybe the gleam color stays random?)
  2. 100%.
  3. 100%.

People need the ability to whitelist/revoke access to the worlds they are paying for. There’s no reason for someone to be allowed on the planet at all if they haven’t been granted access. This is the way most games do this (there are several reasons why).

There has to be incentive over just using a regular planet.

Think a little bigger folks. If there were 10,000 people playing this game, there will be plenty of a variety of planets, colors, etc. Allowing people more options & ways to customize things = a good thing. Boundless might even get picked up by some schools, etc.


I’m sorry but last I heard was that plotting rules will be exactly the same, no extra or cheaper plots. Normal rules.

And I seriously doubt that has changed


Only 300k more plots and it can all be mine!

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And those reasons are…?

Only one I can think of is stalkers. But you shouldn’t have to flee to private worlds to avoid stalkers, if that’s an issue the devs should address it (and it is in fact a real issue for someone nice who quit BL over it because the devs did pretty much nothing)


Rental world connected to public universe would destroy exo endgame… cause u can simply buy the colors u Need. I am pretty sure this will never happen. They are for Personal Fun like ur own private minecraft server. Pretty sure…

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…would be nice tho…

I’m just dreaming aloud here :smiley:

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