I tested the xp gains in some activities, below are the times it took me to gain 3k xp. Expand to get a short explanation of the setup, nothing fancy was used, just basic tools.
Surface gatherer 9min (4min on testing)
Axe in other hand, hammer in the other, 1 hit all rock and plants on a T1 world on a flat biome so constant xp flow. Agility 9 and max run speed guild buff so downtime is as low as possible. I even paused my timer when crossing a barren part of the planet.
Miner 4min
Titanium hammer on T2 world so 1-shot all rock and seams. No aoe or other forging. A good lvl 40 mining spec.
Builder 3min
Place 3 blocks, destroy them, repeat.
Hunter 3min
Gold slingbow, T3 world, no meteors, just running from mob to mob. Lvl 35 character with a slingbow spec.
I’d hate to be a new player and spec in to stealth gathering and notice it takes me double the time to level up than a miner or a builder for example. Exploring is even worse and can’t really even be considered a way of gaining xp. Region discovery on a planet should be exponential, the first ones are ok to be low but when you get close to the end the last ones should reward you similar xp to hunting.
The problem is that the miner especially scales up a lot when going to a high tier world with a super forged hammer. Gathering has no such scaling, higher tier planets don’t award more xp, it’s the exact opposite. Resources are harder to break, more dangerous mobs, harder terrain etc. Hunter scales up too with better equipment and meteors and harder mobs. Builder doesn’t normally break all the blocks they place so that’s not optimal either.
One activity I didn’t test is lumberjack or shoveler, I’d assume those are pretty low too with no aoe tools. This suggestion sounded good to balance that Gathering and Logging XP ideas
Imo these need to be fixed before the xp nerf can be implemented. The plot stuff is a different topic. Any ideas how to fix surface resource xp curve? Could higher level planets have an xp multiplier on surface stuff?