Your proudest year one achievement/moment

Idk if I had an exact moment but slowly building up my base using rocks, tearing it down because stones were more efficient, tearing it down again because i had no idea power coils took up so much space, then tearing it down again because i finally had a design other than a complete square. Next I made a rectangle + a square! Lol. Then i completely covered a lake in glass, put different colored foliage underneath with gleam to match and give it a nice glow. Then mass crafting shop stands and realizing I had nothing to sell because I hadnt managed to make it off T1 yet :joy:

Eventually I got tired of my 10 min run to the capital, Kindred Bay, and moved there permanently. Met a bunch of dope people, and took part in the prestige war with Bramble Land that Dutch mentioned above. Been there ever since

My lake area may be my proudest moment, though it was torn down within a few days, but cant get on ps4 atm to see if I have a screenshot


:heart:… I wanna see that screenshot dude! And I think you joined during the 2nd. We had Laconia at our heels almost until bramble came around. Didn’t wanna start throwing names around in my first post without knowing those guys but guess it doesn’t matter. First was with Riverview which is a stones throw from KB now. Used to feel like a hike.

PS Blue Magic is bad to the bone and a cornerstone of KB, and I believe now the 2nd or 3rd oldest build, depending on how you look at it.


Guys, thank you for your stories, i was very interested to read them! I am glad that we have a reason to share our experience!)


Yup I remember battling Laconia too lol. PS4 is back up and found the screenshot. This was the first thing other than my square house I ever built in any voxel game so felt pretty good lol.

I would put Blue Magic as my 2nd proudest because that’s when my building skills improved.


Nice! That is a great start lol my first house was embarrassing.

Proudest moment…hmm?

How about proudest accomplishment first! Bob’s Farms. With help of @morey523 and @LunaLynn we were able to create a massive farming network that are located on several planets and connected to several wonderful networks. Protecting players from harsh mobs by providing a safe environment.

Now proudest moment…I don’t know if I’d say proud though it’s the most rememberable. I posted this story towards the beginning of my start.

Once upon a time…(insert wavey memory)

Just decided to add link because couldnt just copy and paste post.


hehh we can mark that up as a proud moment

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I think my proudest moment was being able to crash the coil market.

Back before I started selling them Advanced Coils were going for 10-20k a pop. Once I was able to I saved for a week and managed to craft 100 of every coil, which I sold for 4k (a bargain at the time).

This promptly got bought out by a competitor within a few hours - I was somewhat dissapointed in not being able to sell these cheap coils to new players, if only for a moment until I looked in the shop stands and saw the 2 mill coins i just earnt.

The biggest irony of it all - soon after others started also selling low (and I continued to make more), meaning the guy who just spent 2 mill coin to resell the coils made a massive loss on his endeveor.


I think mine is when I saw one of my builds from early access in the official promo video. It was only for a couple of seconds and nothing grand or fancy but it was nice to see it.


Hmm, I remember it as myself and @Peyago who first broke the high priced (10k and above) coil market…we started selling at 6kish and went down from there.
As to proud moments, not sure… Built a little empire but not particularly proud of most of it… Bit rushed but have recently started a big area using mostly local mats in raw form… Having fun with that :slight_smile:


When we crashed circ on the day of the TNT drop party it was crazy to think that we had attracted a huge portion of the existing player base.
Better still was when we started taking out the floor to reveal the hub and people were like, “what’s happening” then they were like wow!
Better still that we a small crew managed to get our own portal network in one small room opened, something I didn’t see happening for some time.
Bestest ever having been 11 months since I met mrnix and TNT are still here today with more great people.
Super highlight - having got to meet mrnix in person on his vacation and hanging out and playing boundless LAN party style!


Meh, booooooring, I wasn’t like that at all!


Then again I knew about it and had already seen it :joy:

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My game crashed right before it happened. I was a sad bear. :joy:

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Becoming company commander of general marshals of communities. Thats my favorite part of the year.

Hmmm so many moments for me. I did like having about 60 people on a T7 exo. It was so laggy but somehow we still managed to win and have a lot of fun doing it.

Also having such great guild members, friends and allies. Some great nemesis too. You all keep me going. Proud to know you all.

Oh and being one of the 1st to make a slingbow shop. Making skill combos on bows that are now used game wide. And making Slingbow Depot a household name.


My proudest moment(s) belong to 3 different characters. My main, getting max forges for payment from serenity for building her a bunny way back when; my gatherer, going bankrupt porting to kol huroo when it first dropped but getting viceroy of the planet (for like 5 minutes lol) and my last character being the first to reach lvl 50 less than a month ago. All good memories!!


My first pyramid on angel 1.


When I started selling they were going for about 14-15k and I think I put my first ones up for about 10.5k. I stopped when they hit about 7.5k and a couple of you kept it going from there. I never thought they would go much lower than that, but here we are! It was really interesting to have watched everything fluctuate over the last year.

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definitely has been interesting to see how the market has changed and people have adapted over time. Have discussed in posts before how easy it is to get into because the more peeps who have coils the better.
It was and is good, for the game, to have cheap coils widely available.
I also quite enjoy keeping my prices as low as poss because as I get much coin for building mats, but also, for me, gives me a purpose to go mining and making coils which in turn gives me a ton of xp and so therefore plots. and I use a lot of plots.


A few of the First Reapers gave me the nick name Daddy Reaper. Creepy, yes I know. But like any father. Seeing his children succeed great advertisement has been my proudest moment. Watching as they suffer many deaths in lava. Cursing my name as they come to the sign in the labyrinth for the 5th time. Too the left to the left… stop turning to the left. And finally after all the F- you Georgio’s the Reapers Trials are the stupidest. they receive there prize. And receive my respect as they’ve earned there place in Reapers. Whether they wear the Reapers name with pride or not. Daddy knows what you have done. And he is proud of all his children. :skull::heart::+1::beers:

Ps. Yesterday I noticed a new member. The one named James. Congratulations.


err … a what ?

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