
She would get so excited Everytime I told her I’d gotten a chance to make her more lumi turquoise and lumi violet marble lol we would laugh and laugh ok maybe whine a little too about how the prettiest colors always just HADDD to be hard to find

much love
You will be missed zigzag
:heart: :fox_face: :heart:


Thank you all for responding, Mom would have been really happy to know so many people here cared about her. Every day feels weird now, she used to talk to my son on the Echo almost every day before she got sick, so the silence in my house can be unnerving at times.

I hope you are all well. I’ve got her steam login information and boundless password so I’m going to try to keep her gleam club going. The thought of looking at her creations in Boundless seems like it will be painful, so I haven’t logged in to do anything or see how long she has left. If someone wants to take a peek at one of her beacons and let me know how long it says it has left that would be great.


I’d be happy to take a look for you but I’m not familiar with zigzag’s creations. If someone could let me know where she primarily build, I’ll go scope it out.

As for Gleam Club, it’s additive meaning if she already had gleam club for, say, the next month and you add another month, then it would be two months of gleam club left then.


It will get better with time to the point when you are happy it’s there for you to remember her.

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@majorvex or @Tiggs is it possible for Monumental to check this for Diannetea and let her know so she can save her mother’s creations?

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Unfortunately, I don’t have an easy way to check. I can provide some fuel if needed.

@diannetea I don’t even know if I can add Gleam to an account. I’m checking on it though.


@Tiggs i got a screenshot given, and it shows 27 weeks


Thanks! I’ll reach out to @diannetea


I know James added Gleam to my account when I retired as a Mod, I optimistically assume that is still possible…


Hello, I have the beacon in sight from zigzag. It’s still a good 27 weeks away. I’ll keep oorty oorty oort too. You’re welcome here at any time and to see your mom’s work etc.


This is where i truly wish a blueprint system was in place, that way if i ever accidentally forgot to refuel or something i could just replace the build with an identical one


sad to hear of Barb"s passing… undernet mensa has a void
■■■■ Brown

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