2.75MILLION COIN GIVEAWAY [Ended] - for mental health awareness day

I’ll nominate @Trickyy90 for hers!! :slight_smile: This is a GREAT giveaway, and treasure hunts are always so fun! Great way to get folks out and exploring and meeting each other -


I didnt realise this was a nomination type thing :laughing: but since it is i think @bucfanpaka needs nominating for her constant kindness in the community, seriously, how does it never waver? :laughing: :blue_heart:


It’s more just putting someone’s name forward you’re seeing being kind/helpful etc in game. :slight_smile:

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Thanks!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I really appreciate it!!

You deserve it for this, this is a such a nice giveaway! :smiley:

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I’d nominate both @Trickyy90 and @DKPuncherello, both awesome characters and people! Don’t have any screens to share atm, mostly coz my hdd would be full if i had to take one each time🤣.

I challenge anyone to run around dk’s legendville mall, find him and NOT smile by the time you left. Same thing about tricky’s home, 15mins there and you cant be sad anymore (or 3 weeks there and still find hidden awesome bits). +1 x2.


Just so everyone is aware, I will be using https://wheelofnames.com/ To pick out a winner. if anyone has a problem with this or a better suggestion, please let me know :slight_smile:


Everyone keep up the amazingness, you’re all awesome and I hope you all have a beautiful weekend :heart:


Stay Nawty everyone :blush:
For my part if I win I plan to put the 1.5 million right back into the community - more contests and prizes coming up!


I will donate 250k to this if still can. As a disabled vet for mental health reasons this is an amazing thing you are doing and would love to contribute to it.


Thank you for your service and keep up the fight! Also thankyou for the donation morey! That would be amazing. I am about to update this Post as someone has also just donated to pay a second place. So we could do 3 people.

I would love to see some more names being put forward! And some more acts of kindness being told, I love hearing about people being nice/doing good. And I know this community is amazing for it!


So thanks to a very generous donation from @Alucard2150 (Alutech) . And also from @morey523 I will be giving away coins to 3 people.

1st- 1.5m
2nd- 750k
3rd- 500k
(All prizes will be allocated at random via wheel linked above)

Please continue with helping people smile in game. And you never know, that smile may mean more than you’d ever know! :heart:


Actually, you know what? Since this seems to have turned into a nomination type of deal, I’d love to take the opportunity to tell a (perhaps long-winded) story about someone who has actually helped me out several times since I started playing last December… without me ever even asking for it and never accepting anything from me in return.

The Legend of Stormbro

Back when I was just a hatchling, this guy hooked me up time and time again without reward, and I remember every single instance. He ran a variety shop across the river from my place. It’s because of this place that I actually fell in love with gleam as a building material - a feeling that still has its sway over me.

Not knowing where to farm anything for myself, I’d indulge in a few pieces of gleam here and there as I’d make my way across the river exploring. I was still weary of leaving the planet again after my first blind totem warp to a T3 and encountering my first real meteor. What a crushing defeat…

I decided to make my roof Hot Magenta (lol) and needed much more than the 30 or so he had left in that shop stand. The next day I saw him toiling away refilling shop stands. We’d never really conversed, just shared /salutes and /waves a few times before. I asked him if he could get some more Hot Magenta gleam and he asked me how much I was looking for. I told him, I dunno probably about 200. He says sure and to check back later. I thanked him and returned to my little tower I’d been building away on for my first week or so. Not even 30 minutes later the guy grapples over to my place like spiderman and drops me a full smart stack of Hot Magenta… says no charge and takes off.

Some days later the guy sees me struggling with my iron grapples and drops me a slightly used forged emerald grapple. Wouldn’t take a thing for it. I still have that grapple in storage to date at around 300 durability left. Might sound kinda creepy, but what can I say? I’m a sentimental kinda guy…

More time passed and as I was coming to the point where I was making my own first sets of advanced coils for all of my machines, I couldn’t for the life of me find rubies. I made a trip across the river and asked him about it and he told me about the alternative of chisel changing. He brought out 36 compact diamonds and changed them all to ruby, and then he just gave them to me so I could finally make my advanced compactor coils. Wouldn’t take a bit of coin in return.

Many times I bombarded him with stupid nub questions and he patiently answered any I had the best he could. Over time I unintentionally ended up becoming kind of like that stray cat that shows up and won’t leave when you start feeding it (honestly I tried not to bother anyone with questions unless I was absolutely stumped, haha.) This was a great group of players but this one guy really went out of the way to help me out time and time again. Sometimes I still lament that perhaps my growing presence across the river, tho far enough away from their city, may have prompted them to all pack up and move to a new planet… :cold_sweat:

Several months went by, they all moved planets but I remained working on setting up my own settlement across that same river. Gleambows came and so did all those amazing colours of gleam. Several days into the event I’d collected 254 colours of gleam and I was pulling my hair out for over a day trying to get my hands on a piece of Strong Slate. I asked people here on the forums, I troubled a few friends and acquaintances in-game and still - no luck. I decided perhaps it was time to pay my old bud a visit at his new place, see if he could by any wild chance help me out just one last time…

He hadn’t gotten a ton of event gleam, but he had a good bit. I asked him if he’d come across any Strong Slate. He said he’d check and I just closed my eyes and crossed my fingers. This guy was truly my last hope, lol. About a minute passed and all of a sudden he drops me a piece of Strong Slate! He had just helped me complete my entire gleam collection and he wouldn’t take a single thing in return…

As someone who plays Boundless as an escape, I can truly say this guy made a huge impact on me very early on. Since then I’ve strived to do everything I could at every opportunity to help newcomers and my fellow citizens alike in every situation possible. His in-game was Killianstormbringer, but I always called him Strombro for short. I don’t think he really liked that name, but eh, I give people nicknames and he never told me to stop… sooo. :joy:

I nominate Stormbro, aka @morey523
I really truly appreciate all the help you’ve given me in the past, bud.

Players like this are the true spirit of the Boundless community. :boundless:

I appreciate the opportunity to share this wall of text with the community and thank you if you made it this far. Pretty cathartic if I do say so myself. :sweat_smile:


This is awesome and thank you. To me it just shows that being kind and just helping goes along way. You know where we live. I’d gladly help a stray cat out again lmao


I’m Glad your extending as just seen this.

And nawty your a fab guy for my gift the other day maybe I can help someone else out too now.

Here to you :kissing_heart:



Oh wow, this picked up since I was in here last. Shame the ones I’ve helped out, have all seemingly stopped playing, or I’m just unlucky with my timing of when I’m online. :joy::sweat_drops:

You’re welcome feisty! I enjoy being Santa :santa: :joy::man_shrugging:t3:

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24 hours till the draw and so far only 4 people in it

@illuminawtyness Nawty-chan Baby Cookie Give you a :cookie: (^-^)/ Goodluck everybudy I can’t decide there too many Awesome Players on Boundless the C should go to the Community Pfft Pfft pfft


nawty eats cookie :cookie::drooling_face:


I want to nominate @Kralith, @JaceyLive @cassidy they are all very supportive players not only for own guildmates but also for random ppl. They gave away lots of stuff and coins. :slight_smile: