☄ 9/12/20 Solo T6 Gleambow Meteors for everyone! Come Join!

Glad to hear, there is still time for more. And we are going on sac hunts daily to sustain the nonstop spawning. :blue_heart:


Can we get the times of the sac hunts even if 1 or 2 hours in advance so we can accordingly plan things? Thanks :smiley:


They are getting announced on discord when someone with bot permissions is online, we can start posting on the forums too. Ty for suggesting.


I dropped by to say hi you all yesterday.

How i felt after visiting there and looting some dormants?

  • i got lots of boxes to loot
  • i went to loot dormants cause i didnt rly knew where the dormants were i just was all over the region. I happened to go same direction as
    One gleambow that was spawned so . i did loot around dormants there…
    didnt even touched the active Gb (he/she was there first cause portals use and i didnt use portal) still there was one player (the one who spawned the gb apparrantly) telling me “buugi cant you read the fckng rules”.
    So no wonder if people are bashing here about this. I mean i did know what i was doing , but new players do not.
    i didnt knew there was some sort of rule for this

And yes @Fante now i was there and see how it went… i dont mind people calling me names but some do… and this is not to bash you or anyone else there.
Just shared my experience first time there cause you obviously wanted me to come there and see what it is all about.
… was just looting dormants thats all.

Anyways. Thx for the dormants.


Well everyone in voice who we run with all say they never saw you, so it was probably a random who joined. We have told people to be respectful. Can’t control everyone. We have been trying to make this a positive experience, and can’t tell you the number of thanks we have gotten. Maybe just ignore people and report those people as we do not condone such behavior nor represent the core group. You are still welcome to join and try it yourself and i can give you augments if you need so you don’t have to loot only dormants.

So ye… you were probably afk as you were just sitting there. Dunno. Im on eu timezone so.

I leave all 5 of my characters online when i am asleep or at work so the entire community can still benefit 24/7 till the event ends.


Whoa! 5 chars huh? :rofl:


Off topic but im curious too… you got 5 accounts? :smiley:

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Thanks @Jaidic! I tried your platform for the first time yesterday. I had my reservations after listening to all the forum complaints, but I must say…

That was awsome! As soon as I showed up, I read the 4 easy rules, and I was able to Immediately summon a T6 gleam-bow, the portals were great for quickly jumping half the way in any direction, I got several Glass meteors, More gleam in any T5 meteor than any T2 Gleam meteor I had to be faster than a poacher once, I agree it was frustrating…But there were so many mats it that T5 meteor that I was ok with sharing. I crawled back to the portal below the platform and was able to do it again almost right away. You mechanized the gleambow event and I am ever so grateful!!

Only downside, 2 of 9 of my augments failed to spawn a meteor, even after waiting until i could see none in the sky. I recognize it’s because there’s too many gbows already, but it is sad when your shooting blanks…

Could I suggest moving the directional portals on top (North etc…), to coincide with their respective direction? I may have gotten confused the first two gbows i spawned and then just chose to jump and run the rest.


Yes, I have 5 accounts.

I’ve gotten so much good stuff from this! Ty guys for keeping your alts out there all day.


This honestly was a game changing event.


It really is. I spent just 1 day doing it and feel like i dont really need anymore already lol. So much stuff!


Sorry about the directional portals. I put the NW SW NE up in the corner as late additions because many people were struggling when their meteors went that way. I didn’t have another place to put them unfortunately and the other directional portals are actually on freebrains plot.


Who ever setup everything I would like to say thank you!!.. as for shooting blank augments it happens time to time… try to wait a lil before firing :slightly_smiling_face:


This has really helped me a lot. I really appreciate it.


Like I’ve been saying seeing Is believing and too many have commented before even going near what they are complaining about.


Other than when we are on sac hunts I won’t log my alts off or leave the platform until the event ends for everyone trying to spawn larger meteors. Happy hunting. <3


This place is great, been here all day after our sac hunt spawning lots of meteors, had a few failed attempts but got lots of goodies so cant complain, think I’ll be here until it’s over. I would highly recommend trying this if you haven’t :slight_smile: thanks @Jaidic and anyone else that help set this up