A problem in Moebius Plaza

For those that assisted in tearing down the blocks, Thank you for doing so. Anyone that is in need of replacement hammers may stop by my shop at anytime and I will gladly replace them for free.


To anyone interested. Let me openly declare that I’ve had no ill intent in mind doing the building.
I’ve only built this to surprise and open eyes toward an abstract organic building-style. No symmetry, no order. Only chaos.

And yeah. I also felt like doing the building because it’s at great contrast given the scenery where all things are nearly equal boxes One higher and stretched further than the other. So the scenery required some attention.

I kinda wanted to build using a rotation every 360 degrees every 1.618 seconds but I couldn’t keep up. Also it would probably give me a health-issue. And lastly the blocks wouldn’t always perfectly snap where I wanted to position them creating a bit of an unwanted oddity in there. I then quickly turned to building where open space ‘required’ it.

Indeed I mentioned that the mechanics allowed this @Eldwen in a response to people that seem to find it easy to simply threaten me with ‘getting the devs’ for some strange reason, while the server, the game and my brain were functioning well within given parameters (and as intended).

There are no flaws or errors.


^ Epic Troll :joy:


I am taken aback by this beauty, for one. :wink:


I know this could well be annoying but I really don’t think this is greifing. As stated above just…wait. That’s all it takes, let the system do what is was intended for.


You have already made a statement about your displeasure of specific game mechanics:

Most of the ensuing conversations that arose from this well written post led to great ideas. Ideas that I now see implemented within the game currently with others still being developed and confirmed or hinted at being added.

However, as a self proclaimed “anarchistic freedom mongering architect”, your post, subsequent replies, and continued engagement within the community was quite, non-chaotic. It was organized, thoughtful, and useful both for the community and developers. Yet, this was July 29th, 2016. Today is Just about a year and half later. Somethings have changed, others have stayed the same in regards to game mechanics and how beacons are handled. What has not is your demands for unyielding “freedom” to do as you wish, and how you wish, within a video game. That is still in early access and being actively developed still.

To claim ignorance that you were unaware of your actions having lasting consequences is false. The new method you have chosen to speak out against the imposed restrictions the game has placed upon us is flawed. Your actions were very much thought out and planned. This was a response. This was deliberate. And your finding of no flaw in exploiting a weakness within the game’s design is what has driven a group of the community to backlash your original thoughts and feelings on the matter.

There was no “threat”, it was a statement of intent, that I gladly carried out on behalf of the owner of the area you created your “art” within, who would have taken offense to your actions.

If you wish to continue to discuss, suggest, and urge more from the development team or the community as a whole, please feel free to do so here. There are many of us who would gladly add to that conversation.

If this is just about being bored and returning after several long periods of time of inactivity just to cause drama or get some form of self gratification from riling up the community, please consider yourself no longer a member of it and move on.



hey guys i got 1million mud from digging aquatopia what should i do whit this lol
hehe oh was looking for anshetarian base someone told me its a nice build to visit hehe

lolz luckie im to busy
doing dishes :smile:


this is actually the solution and simple also for trees that beeing robbed in nature villages :smile: plaza has so many visitors that regen doesnt exist there
as im sometimes dont even bother to plot stuff there lol victim of its own succes
maybe 8hour reset toned down to 2hour reset

our n places like plaza a weekly reset bomb as xaldafax talked about
capital wars wich im a part off (fun) could cause this stuff on a regular basis
as revenge


I mean, hitting back at people is just ridiculous. (As are capital wars in my humble opinion). It’s this behavior and the behavior of the initital person that did it that make these games become unpleasent to play. Also, trees can’t be robbed if you haven’t plotted them, so plot them and you won’t have to worry.


It all comes down to common decency - someone has obviously gone to great effort to build something they think is beautiful, so whether the land is plotted or not, don’t throw bricks all over it. The plaza obviously has a theme so if people want to build there, and they are well within their right to, then perhaps consider matching the theme or build far enough away that it’s not a problem - there’s plenty of places for people to build their art.


The only thing this demonstrates to me is that the Beacon system actually works (and also why we don’t allow vertically stacked ownership). Although it does make me think we should expand the player muting system. (Which isn’t currently in game - btw.) Really quickly, if you mute another player then you’ll not see their chat and will auto ignore any interactions for the current session. If you block them then the muting will be permanent. Potentially we should expand this to restrict blocked players from building in the reserved space of your beacon. Maybe there is a similar extension for Settlements, where a player could be blocks from the reserved space of an entire Settlement.

I should add, that I don’t really like these sorts of rules - they take time away from more fun features - but clearly as the game grows we need to make sure that a small group of players can’t spoil the fun of everyone else.


i was also there as an old Main Barney327 - yeh its me (And Althazar Games if you want to get technical) :stuck_out_tongue:
Anyway, as much as i agree with anshetarian that the market kinda looks bland, i had a right go at him for this, and elped tear some of it down before the hunt - the point is… stuff like this has to be stopped somehow… James/Luke is there any way that we could lower span times

(even with heavy activity i think it should be 8 hours de-spawn regardless - as far as i understand as long as there is heavy activity then things like this will just stay there?) <<< this was my long winded point, sorry

Addition - @ComplexRogue7 i 100% agree, however, he was very unrepentant ***why should i take it down? does it not look nice? *… yes i guess but did you ask permission?why do i need to ask permission, no one has a claim here i can do what i like… (he has a point there in a way)… yes but you need to ask people if they would mind… otherwise all this will happenoh so its a social thing then…? and etc


This. This is the beauty of such a game, these confrontations allow us to explore and change, if you really don’t want this to happen you have to save a few extra plots and plot out above your builds as well (to whatever height you feel you need to, based on how easily you get annoyed, or how specific you are about the aesthetics of your builds.) Yes this means having to get more levels to gain the plots to do so, but if its an issue for YOU, then thats just it, don’t blame anyone for you not liking there behaviour, adapt, change, explore, troll, ■■■■ about, whatever, its a game, please don’t try to baby all the players so there is only one way to play the game and we just end up with a couple of big guilds each playing ‘City Wars’ while anyone who wants to play there own way gets shunned by the community for ‘Greifing’…



Absolutely! Perfect.

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Anyway, as much as i agree with anshetarian that the market kinda looks bland,

See, my opinion is just the opposite. I think that most of the large communities look too much like the Las Vegas strip, and that gets old very quickly in my book. When every place is Vegas, no place is Vegas. I wouldn’t mind having the prestige (or whatever it is) part of builds re-examined so that we don’t have to rename everything to variants of “Glow City,” “Glare Place,” and “Floodlight Falls.”


As long as gleam and other high-prestige value blocks remain that high in prestige value, then this is bound to keep happening.


No, not really you don’t get the essence of my message. I was really enjoying myself and I’m wondering why this so suddenly shifted towards you feeling the need to

Do you honestly believe that I’ve done something that should in the future be prevented by cutting me off socially? Is that what’s been happening to me now? Do you people think I’m a bad person because I built something that wasn’t elegant enough compared to it’s surroundings? Because of it’s proximity to someone else’s? Because I did not use enough variation in my build? Because It consisted of nothing more than 8000 sedimentary stones? Because the ‘average player’ doesn’t like it?

It’s interesting to know, because that is exactly what’s going on with your prestige algorithm which is flawed. It’s an approximation of the average likability of a blocktype, nothing more. An equilibrium of collective value per plot. A ratio that is simply not what beauty is. Ratios don’t define beauty. Players do.

  • I’d love to see the option to turn off my beaconname and allow anyone in the world to destroy it, functioning only as a way to stop the world from regenerating, nothing else. Go naked. I want people to ‘discover my builds’ not have a giant spotlight on it saying come see! I want to make that build happen even if it’s just for one person finding an artifact gem or slingbow.

  • I’d love to see a change in the prestige system, wherein players get more say in what is liked and what is not. An algorithm is not going to cut it.

This is the crux of it all.


As long as gleam and other high-prestige value blocks remain that high in prestige value, then this is bound to keep happening.

@james - nudge, nudge. The current valuation of prestige results in builds that can’t decide if they’re Byzantine, Rococo, or Baroque. Blocks that should be used as accents are being used as main-stream building materials, and while I understand that art is in the eye of the beholder*, there are practical considerations as well. Older folks and those with some sorts of vision impairment are going to find some of these builds very uncomfortable–and it will happen in hubs where players need to go to succeed in the game. We can’t expect all the players to have studied user experience design, right? Also, I’ve been told “light pollution” is a real thing–and it’s happening in Boundless already.

* There is definitely no accounting for taste–I know, because I tried to major in Taste Accounting in college.


Thank you @Samski you are correct. I tried to find the words to describe it like you did but got Wonderstuck.


This is a topic that I think there are always going to be disagreements on, and in the end, the only real solution I see to allow everyone to have their vision for it, is the (dev mentioned?) private/rentable servers/worlds.

Some can have no rules, and others can, to each their own, so to speak :wink:

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