Add Tool Belts for quality of life improvement

Tool/Weapon Belts. Holds x slots of a SS type tool. One SS type per slot. 1 expandable “belt” icon that allows you to access whole belt SS’s of tools/weapons to put in the rotatable quickbars.

Cubits buys more slots. Just adding 1 expandable U.I. interface that is tied to cubits.

Really simple idea so that inventory can be better managed through a tool belt slot system. Theres no reason for 50 tool belts. Just 1 then we can manage all tools used in entire character in one side expanable U.I. Interface. Imagine the possible instant revenue from ppl that just want to get as many Tool belt slots as they need to play their characters now. Does not take away from being able to play the game the way it is now. Adds more incentive for playing the game/leveling.


Yup been suggested a few times! Search feature is so neat lol!

Here’s another :wink:

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