Alright, so I took the courage to become a Wayfarer on the early access and these are my thoughts so far

[quote=“Tarahyumaro, post:80, topic:14046”]
acon and fuel it it’s one of the first things the game teaches you… you are free not to beacon it and, logging every 8-10 hours, would stop any count on world regeneration on that chunk… still anybody can come and destroy it
[/quote] But isn’t it unnecessary? You can take up all the space of the provided beacon space pretty fast… My concern is around the beacon, I see a lot of people complain that people go and destroy all the land around their beacon space intentionally anyway, the real problem is when you’re actually building stuff around the beacon space and there is no way to defend the rest of the building, and if it was built inside the ground it will get eaten up by the regen.

You gain levels pretty fast and get more plots. Level 50 has about 350 as a normal account. Every level after 50 you get 10 plots. Every level gets bonuses on the package you purchased.


Not necessarily… the more you play and level up, the more plot space you gain.

That being said, these are all things you’d have discovers for yourself with a little more time spent playing the game, but it feels like you spent most of your time trying to “raid” bases (what many would consider griefing) rather than progress the way the game intends.


my single beacon in wich i built everything in the last 2+ months has 219 plots attached to it and some of those plots are empty on porpouse to preserve the narutal environment and avoid people to destroy my surrounding… it’s everything there…

A lot? i dont hear “a lot”

surely if you build a single beacon on a resource that is needed, people will try to reach that resource… the game mechanic allow it :stuck_out_tongue:


Sorry for sounding so strong about it. I didn’t have my coffee yet. Stayed up all night binge watching Safe. I also chose those words to strongly show my feelings towards that concept for this particular game. This game is simply that special.

Even with a server dedicated for pvp, I would have no interest building there, knowing it will get raided. I would rather just go kill ppl. I get what your saying totally. It’s just that for this game I disagree.

To me more survival is more animals. Hunting planet etc. Which they already are implementing.


You should take your ideas and put them into a comprehensive outline on this section of the forums. Chances are the game won’t change on the majority of planets in the known Oortiverse, but if you give them a good enough template they may take those ideas and put them into effect on a couple of planets to test them out as PvP worlds. Currently it isn’t in the cards for the near future according to their line, but that doesn’t mean you can’t come with ideas that will make a difference later down the road.

You are obviously very passionate about how the pvp in this game should be and what would help drive you, and others like you, to continue playing the game in a pvp setting. Break it down into points that would be specific for the pvp worlds. Break down the combat, teams, world settings for survival and stuff like that. The Devs in this game are the best I’ve ever dealt with in 30 (when did I get so old?) years of gaming, and they also been known to integrate ideas into the game from players. Who knows, if you create a good template that catches the eyes of the Dev’s, we may be shooting slingbows at each other on a pvp world named after you a year from now.

Best of luck,



Think of beacon fuel as the fuel of your car and the keys. Drive down a highway into the mountains or across a desert and let your fuel run out. Now leave the keys in the ignition and walk away. Yes, your car died because you didn’t keep it in fuel. Yes, someone likely brought fuel and claimed your car with the keys you provided while running out of fuel. That’s life in or out of Boundless. Leave your property with no fuel so anyone can claim it and it will likely be claimed. If not claimed by anyone then given the right amount of time the world will claim it. Your claim to your car and your claim to your Boundless property expires when you abandon it without fuel.


I feel like if theres going to be pvp in this kinda game it should alrdy be there in some form. I mean cmon game was released early access back in 2014 or so. But ye i would quit without hesitation if this game would become some sort of Rust voxel 2.0


As I said, it’s planned for after 1.0 according to the Trello, and probably other threads on here. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I noticed… and thats kinda stupid thing to do.


If I logged on to find everything I’d created had been destroyed and looted, not because I hadn’t fuelled my beacons, but simply because that was someone else’s idea of fun then I’d definitely leave. I’ve always seen Boundless as a game of creation, exploration and collaboration Not destruction. There are more than enough Pvp games out there so why on earth do we need Boundless to fall into that same boring destructive rut. If there has to be an element of pvp then maybe the developers can create a few greifer planets for them to all go and loot each other on.


exactly. its not a pvp game and it never will be probably. at least i hope. i wish to build and cooperate with others. pvp as a secondary thing.


That is the wonderful world we live in with free will and individualize thought… to one person it is stupid and to so many others it is brilliant.


Also, it’s already been discussed that PvP will never be forced on anyone, and that there will be specific servers.
There is no need to be up in arms about this.


Special PvP worlds (with beacons protecting blocks, but not you)? - count me in!
Beacons(/plots) with possibility to set them to pvp (arenas with special beacon effect to see) - of cause count me in!
Duel request options? - of cause, why not, its fun!
pvp archivements and gain from trophys? - yes, of cause, cuz you risked something for it!

but forced pvp or even general pvp in this game - oh god, no!
and of cause “no” to all ideas about making beacons less effective on protecting blocks :wink:

just my 2 cents ^^


I think it would be pointless if it’s not full fledged unprotected, the training wheels are unnecessary… Beacons to protect buildings are unnecessary. In Pixark there’s 3 modes, chaos, which is full PvP, and the uncensored, unrestricted experience of surviving with and against players, fury which is a toggle between PvP and PvE, buildings, and PvE where land can be claimed by beacons, ‘right of land’ signs. Also, whithin the tribe there’s options for PvP privilege, where you can restrict non-admins from editing already constructed buildings, so that there is no insider griefing, they are either in or out of the tribe, and buildings are very resistant, it takes a long while to destroy them and gives very little ammount of resources in comparison to destroy a single block, so it’s naturally a waste of time for griefers to try to destroy everything you built, the construction will take some damage of course but it’s at an expense of times, and resources if it’s proper magical gear that takes special materials to fuel up. It can be planned out properly, and with the mindset of an artist… stop trying to dumb it down, strip it down, and don’t be toxic yourself as to conspire against there being an opt-in, 100% voluntary way to play uncensored, unrestricted, BOUNDLESS PvP. Yeah, I see everyone in the active forum community is sorta married with the old school boundless, but that’s only cause the other type of players aren’t in the game, they’re playing Pixark, and they love the genre, they would happily contribute to the community and fight against the toxicity, and literally happily play the game and fight the griefers off. It would be a true relief for me, instant replayability.

I am not sure who in this discussion is being “toxic” as you referred to it. At this point unless I missed someone else saying it, you have been the only one calling stuff “stupid” in a previous post.

I think everyone here is glad you posted your suggestion that we make this a PVP game faster and your other thoughts on the matter. As with any suggestion, you will find people providing a different opinion on what they want out of the game.

At this point if you want PVP in Boundless it will not be happening this year based on what we have heard. You might want to go play other games if that is the only way you prefer to play. Otherwise, if you wish for a non-PVP experience right now, then you have a variety of planets to build on. We also have new planets coming soon.

Either way, the best way to communicate with the developers is a bullet list of succinct thoughts on why PVP is critical along with some examples on how it might happen in this game. They have been clear that they will be offering PVE and PVP. So you will likely need to show how it is different and both environments could work together or why they need to be separate Universes.


Thats true. “Old school” boundless that you call it. We cant let it go… we will see where the game goes when launch happens and several different kind of people joins.
I personally like that boundless is not like rust,pixark etc… and the truth is… its not. Why nowadays every game should have that kinda elements into it? Why dont we just add laserguns into pong while we at it.


Why are you trying to change Boundless into Pixark that you love? As you can see in the poll, the large majority of people don’t want to see PvP at all. PvP has destroyed many games and is boring as it is everywhere. So, rather than changing Boundless into something the vast majority do not want, go play the game you love and want Boundless to become. Boundless will never be what you want as most of us would leave if it happened. Go enjoy yourself in a place where people destroy other people’s possessions. You seem to love that type of play and it’s not happening in Boundless as Boundless was not made for that type of person.


Stealing and destroying someone else’s hard work is unnecessary. Not everyone can play the game day in and day out, sometimes players can’t be online for a week or 2 due to real life commitments. In that amount of time they could easily come back to find everything gone and destroyed because you thought it would be fun.
If this Pixark is everything you wanted from a Pvp then why are you wanting to change Boundless to that game, surely you’d just carry on playing Pixark. If there are things about Boundless that you like that Pixark doesn’t have then wouldn’t it be better to change Pixark seeing as it already has so much of what you love.