Boundless community time is serious, after spending a few hours in this game, I ask myself this question: Am I addicted to boundless. Should I consult a doctor? Am I alone in this situation?
I’m curious to know how long have you been playing .
Definitely addicted😉 and not alone.
Stands up from chair in circle
"Hello group! My name is Paka, and I’m a Boundless addict! Think about it all the time, has mostly pulled me off all my other games, family gripes abo… oh wait a minute!! New exo popped, I’m outta here! This therapy thing has been fun, see ya… "
(Only have 356 hrs on my Steam account, need to work on that but a lot more on my PS4 one as of the end of last year! - PS4 users, see your 2019 hours here! )
Over 10 hours a day? Standard Boundless addict right there
Oh! it reassures me
the answer is yes
@bucfanpaka I just took the ps4 version today and my fear is, spend same time on.
Ewwww farming simulator
Well time for me to call a psychologist
And this is the time, everyone, it takes to get started and create a character
i would not call it an addiction…more like an obsession
$20 if you stop a week
i knew i would never lose my money!
Yeah, both. Thing with addiction is you get withdrawals, which I definitely do if I don’t get my Boundless fix… remember being on summer vacation this time last year, and thinking about the exos I was missing and my portals and all. And the thing with rehab… they say you have to want to get better for it to work. I don’t. So there’s that - I’m a hopeless case.
(Watches Paka run out after an Exo)
Stands up from Chair
Hey group, my names is Quazel, and im a Boundless addict. Ive been Forged sober for almost a month now! But i do need some more glow chisels… and regen bombs… and building hammers… and some emerald grapples would be so much nicer than my current topaz grapples… uummmm…
I just remember I left my titanium furnaces running…ya… I gotta go… See ya!
Runs out after Paka