Art: Wearables Exploration

I apologize for the act of thread-necromancy.

Recently, I’ve spent quite some time messing with forging, and all the compounds, gums, pastes, solvents, catalysts and resins. So I gave my reroll who’s only role is to forge and craft these things a paint-job (ha-ha). The one with the big hand mark on the torso, and stains on the hands. Chose this one to represent that he fiddles so much with all these potions that his hands and constantly covered in mixed residuals.

So then I thought “ah, would be neat to have a stain-covered apron”.

And I did this mock-up :

Like outfits and paints, you’d be able to chose up to 3 colors, so the base color of the apron, and two colors for the stains. Could make it look like what I thought about for my character : forge potion stains. Could look like a butcher who cuts the meat in his shop (or a psycho who hunts with his stained apron while cackling in the wild), or a mecano covered with machine gunk.
