Beacon fuel nerf

I’ve tried that a couple of times before. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t (I just wind up returning where I was underground.

@sztosz I have a few more things in my inventory than you have. I have an atlas, torches, gleam (sometime soon I’ll add the glow epic to make my character glow instead of using gleam as a light source) and a few other things. I also use 9 of each tool, I also have two grapples, slingbow, cheap food (raw stuff) and a stack of cooked meat.

Some players (new again) don’t have the ability to just cook food like crazy. I spend way too much time mining for nothing but coal just to be able to power my spark generators and cook ores. I don’t have an unlimited supply of meat even though I attempt meteor hunting occasional. I still end up with less than 200 meats on average in my storage. They go pretty quickly when hunting on the surface.

If I can go eating the raw foods safely (underground mining) I’ll use those. I only eat the cooked meat when I am really low on energy or in a battle.

So when I am done mining, I don’t have room for wood or mob drops or the such, so it’s a waste on my slingbow to fight them if I don’t have to.

This one… some foods, like earthyam stew, gives you a WELL FED buff that makes your max energy not going down for 20 minutes. This makes you more efficient when it comes to food consumption than raw foods. And they are rather easy to craft. Just a friendly tip.

Please stay on topic and keep it friendly.

Also, let me clarify my rant.

I have a problem with people claiming the land withouth developing it.

This attitude makes it really difficult to build spontaneous communities among players. What fun is there in a settlement where more than 50% of the land claimed is inhabitated?

This is killing communities and that’s it. What kind of MMO does that?

Let’s be clear: there is no reasonning with players doing those kind of things. There MUST be a restriction added directly in the game to limit that kind of thing.

I like the idea of beacon fuel related to prestige: if you do not develop your plot, it will cost you to keep it.

Dude! I had like no idea! Where do you find the info on these items? There really isn’t a Wiki for the game yet. Stuff like that is really valuable! The Info screen tells you there is such a food and what it takes to make, but not that it keeps your max energy up for 20 minutes!

Plus, is there a legend somewhere for all the symbols that appear? A tooltip would be very useful, but since there isn’t…

I’d like to chime in. I’m one of those players with undeveloped plots in cities. My reasoning for it is not for footfall, and not for the intent of selling my land. I plotted those pieces of property because I saw the potential for that city. I plan on building my own little portal hub. I have just completed the hub at my main base, and I will be making buildings on all of my properties for the other end of those portals. I just don’t have a ton of time because I work full time. My intentions are good, I’m just not able to focus 100% of my time into the game. Please bear with me and in the end you will see some of those empty plots turn into something nice.

A lot of these people are making these tiny claims just to save the location of the settlement/portal hub so they can warp to it later. A very good thing would be if they simply removed the arbitrary limit of only 20 saved locations and allowed us to save as many as we liked. More robust UI for managing saved locations would also be greatly appreciated.

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And UI in this game is mostly… ■■■■… really, tells you often the least important things. I mean it looks nice… and that’s about it. It’s nor informative, nor very functional.

Just a quick piece of info that I think will help with this:

Your beacons list will save all beacons, that are in the world, expired or have been removed. You don’t need to keep a plot of land actively beaconed to save the location…just plop a beacon down and tear it back up. That’s how I’ve been saving places without actually leaving behind a plotted area.

If you like it, spread the info and hopefully this will see a clear up of plotted land saved for locations. I can’t speak to those that are earmarking land for future builds (I personally don’t have an issue with that).

u need to return to sanctum while standing in a 2 block high tunnel or cavity so that the portal doesnt have enough space to open where u stand. It will bump right to the next safe place which is usually upwards

LOL Anichk bro…just press tab, click places and go to location… You can save any location. No need to even use a beacon.

You can also warp, etc to and from these saved locations…

Locations fill up and have a Max cap. I have not found a Max cap for beacons yet :smile:. Just another way to do the same thing…

u can save infinite locations, just craft a location token, put it into ur storage and delete the entry from ur places tab

How many locations do you need saved? lol I just save mine locations.

Lol. I’m a location fanatic. between hubs, mines, tree copses, potential buildsites and just random cool stuff, I maxed, then started beaconing. I would craft location tokens, but then all that just rattles around uselessly in my storage or inventory…I’m also a magpie and like to randomly set off on side quests, so having everything visible in my UI makes that easier.

It’s just how I prefer to play. Not trying to convert anyone, just giving information. I’m all for informed choices :yum:


Just keep refreshing the portal. (E on it, at sanctium) it will go up higher levels. Most times, to the surface.

Same! Anything interesting or a good harvest site gets marked. I need more slots!!!